It was too late. . .

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I sat there...thinking.

Thinking, why am I here?

I should be dead. I should be in jail...

But I'm not. I'm not getting beat up, shot or stalked.

I'm the one doing them.

I hurt people, I frame innocents. I get rid of enemies. I do that. . . 

Today...It was too late. Too late to stop. To save the kid....

"Good morning!" A lady in a red vest came up to me to greet me, as I stepped foot first in the store. The store was organized, colours splattered all over the place.

"I'm not here to buy.. I'm here to clear my mind." I said. I keep my hoodie on and walked past the lady.

The lady nodded in disbelief and greeted more people coming from behind. They were all annoying, so dishonest people. . .

I look around and go to the clothing aisle. My favourite place to go. To see memories and to shout at kids as they run around and fighting with their mothers.

Something caught my eye. It was a beautiful red jacket. I don't know why I decide to go for it...I just did.

"Maybe if I just try it." I spoke aloud. My mind was not working that day, it was clearing.

I headed to the changing rooms and there was a 4 year old daughter with her mother, although the mother was changing as the little girl played in multiple empty rooms.

I roll my eyes and enter the one infront of the kids mothers. It was a square room with a curtain covering and clothing hooks and stands. It was very modern.

I start taking my hoodie off as the little kid ran in my room and laughed.

My heart started to pound and I started to feel something, I shouldn't have felt after that.

I grabbed the girl in my room and scolled her as quietly as I could. But she didn't listen.

After that. . . I did something. . .I....

I growled as I smashed the girl into the wall, her head cracked after landing onto the floor. Blood spilling out. My eyes twitched as the girl started to cry. It was so annoying!

I grabbed the red jacket and started to choke the girl as she struggled.

NO! I thought.

Few seconds later. . .She stopped. Her eyes stared, her limbs froze and her face was blue.

What have I done. . .

My mind was blank. . . My heart skipped every second beat.

I looked around for any cameras or speakers, none.

"Honey? Could you grab mummy a size 6?" That was the child's mother. I didn't know what to do. But my legs just ran fast as they could.

It's too late....Where stories live. Discover now