collapse | yoonseok

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Yoongi sighed as he sat at the desk, his blond hair messy and disheveled which took away the attention from the black circles under his eyes. His nails were bitten down to bloody stubs, and his eyes were bloodshot from staring at the computer screen in a pitch black room.

Glancing at the bottom corner, he noticed the time and let out a low moan in annoyance and exhaustion. 5:32 AM. He was such an idiot. The man knew they had an interview in the morning, and had promised himself that he would go to bed at a reasonable time, but as soon as he sat in that stiff computer chair, the idea was thrown out the window.

He cursed quietly to himself, saving his work and shutting off the monitor so he could try to get some sleep before everyone got up. Groping around the room, he felt the doorway and opened the door silently, making sure it wouldn't squeak. Yoongi didn't want the others to be woken up because he was too loud. After stubbing his toes on furniture and nearly walking into walls, he reached the room. Fucking finally.

The rapper made sure to open the door quietly, and while he was irritable and exhausted, he saw the most beautiful thing to ever be encased in the full moon's soft glow.

Jung Hoseok.

The man was laying on his stomach on the comforter, which had been rolled up into a ball, with his arms supporting his head and his beautiful thighs flexed under his shorts while they were spread apart. He might've looked like a squashed bug against a grey background, but to Yoongi, he looked like an angel.

He felt his frustration melt as he gently dropped his bag and stripped down to his boxers and a white t shirt. Gently moving his lover, he smoothed out the comforter and laid it over the sun-kissed male before crawling under the covers and pulling Hoseok as close as possible, falling asleep to the sound of his even breaths.

To say Yoongi was overtired was to put it lightly. He had only gotten three hours of sleep before the oldest member woke everyone up by the banging of pots and pans as he made breakfast. Seokjin didn't even attempt to be quiet.

Hoseok was the first one to get up, sleepily walking to the bathroom. Jimin and Jungkook stumbled out while Taehyung went to go use the other bathroom before Namjoon did.

Yoongi was the last to get up. After he was woken up rudely, he managed to sleep for twenty more minutes before his boyfriend came to woke him up so he wouldn't be late.

"Hyung.." Hoseok mumbled, toothbrush in his mouth as he stared at Yoongi's sleeping figure. "Aish.." he sighed and bit down on the plastic before gently shaking the older awake, which he did not appreciate.

Yoongi stared up at Hoseok, sighing softly. He felt a drop of liquid hit his neck and he wiped it off to see greenish foam. "You're dripping on me," he said lowly with a frown before getting up and wincing at the loud pop his back made as he went to go get ready before he ate.

When he walked out to the dining room, he already knew this breakfast was going to add to his stress. Namjoon was talking with his mouth open, Seokjin was scolding his boyfriend and Hoseok was laughing loudly, playfully messing around with Jimin and Taehyung while Jungkook slyly took food off of Taehyung's plate to put it on Jimin's. Everyone was being as loud as they possibly could be. Lovely.

He entered the room, sitting down silently. Picking at his food, he was too stressed to even eat. All he could think about was the upcoming album, and how much more work he had to do. Yoongi looked over at Hoseok to see him laughing as hard as he could as Taehyung realized most of his food had left his plate and landed on Jimin's, which started a fight.

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