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"Donny, get over here!" Douglas Davenport cried. His older brother, Donald, rushed over.

"Did you do it?" Donald asked, childlike excitement seeping through his middle aged exterior.

"Yup! I'm that awesome!"Douglas exclaimed, "Janelle is practically good as new!"

"Man, I can't believe you figured it out so quickly," Donald commented.

"As much as I'd love to brag about how I'm awesome like that," Douglas said, "I mostly figured it out while I was working with Krane, in case I actually had to die instead of just faking it."

"Well, in any case," Donald said, trying to contain his enthusiasm, "Leo is gonna be the happiest guy alive! I'm gonna go tell him!"

With that, Donald rushed up the elevator, leaving Douglas alone in the lab with a still unconscious Janelle.

"He is," Douglas mumbled to himself. Then the reality of what he had just done set in, killing Douglas's spirits in the process.

"He'll be just thrilled if he every finds out what really happened..."

So, after about a year and a half, I finally got around to a sequel for One of Us is Bionic! I'm sooooo excited, because I have so many great ideas for this book!

So, let's get some things straight. Yes, I decided not to kill Janelle. Entirely. You'll see later. No, I'm not done killing people off. I don't think as many are gonna die this book (seeing as though I killed off all of the bionics and supers last book, there's not a ton left) but I'm still ready to bring on the death and depression! Yes, I still like to ramble. And no, you're still not allowed to steal my work.

Darn, aren't I such a buzzkill. Go copyright.

Anyways, have fun reading this book, I'm super stoked and without further ado, "One of Us is Robotic"!

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