Five Extra Hours

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August 12, 1:43 PM

Wright Anything Agency

Apollo Justice's Office

     Apollo sat at his empty desk, gazing out of the gaping window in front of him. Sunlight illuminated the office and a gentle, airy breeze swept throughout, removing the summer humidity that once lingered in the space. Miraculously, he was free of paperwork, as he had just finished his final case for the day. That left him with nothing to do, with nearly five hours before he usually retired from work for the evening. As much as he ached to leave, Mr. Wright had instructed him to stay for the rest of the day, as he was working on a crucial case and couldn't afford any missteps. He rhythmically tapped his pen on his desk to a faint beat coming from the festival just down the street. The clock in the corner of his room ticked, taunting him as the seconds went by. Apollo longed for entertainment, and at this point, he didn't care what form it came in. He heard a knock on his door and rushed over, a little too eagerly for it simply being a knock on the door. When he opened it, he couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed. There stood Klavier Gavin, his typical smirk plastered on his face.

"Klavier..." Apollo sighed, leaning against the door frame

"Are you disappointed to see me?"

"Quite frankly, yes," Apollo said begrudgingly. He could've sworn he saw the ex-rock star's usually confident composure falter, but just for a moment. Klavier said nothing, so Apollo continued:

"What do you want?"

"Am I not allowed to stop by and say hello?"

"I'm busy right now," Klavier peered around his shoulder and gestured to his empty desk.

"It doesn't seem like you are busy, Herr Forehead," Apollo rolled his eyes at the use of the nickname.

"Don't you have work of your own to do?" Apollo said, somewhat diverting the topic.

"Nein, it has been a slow day for me as well," Klavier sighed slightly as he said this. "I assume you'd like me to go?"

"No!" Apollo practically yelled. He saw a smile start to form on Klavier face, causing to him to flush ever-so-slightly, which he covered with a glare. He quickly revised his sentence "I mean... No, you don't have to go. I have nothing better to do anyway."

"A sudden change of heart, ja?" Klavier teased.

"I can kick you out at any moment, you know," Klavier quickly shut up.

♤ ♤ ♤

August 12, 3:38 PM

Wright Anything Agency

Apollo Justice's Office

     Apollo glanced up at the clock and gasped. It had been nearly 1:50 PM since Klavier came, but now it was 3:30. They had both sat on the couch that was tucked into the corner of the room, telling stories of insane cases and laughing for hours.

"Klav, it's been nearly two hours," at the use of a nickname, Klavier smiled

"I never thought you would call me a nickname, Herr Forehead," Klavier flashed Apollo his signature "million dollar grin," or at least that's what the Tabloids called it

"I'll stop if you keep calling me Herr Forehead"

"I will stop calling you Herr Forehead when Fräulein Detective stops calling me the Glimmerous Fop"

"That's never going to happen..."

"Exactly." A comfortable silence fell over the two men. Apollo looked up at Klavier, who was looking off into the distance. He just now noticed how bright his eyes were. He had never really had an opportunity to notice some of the little things about Klavier, but in this moment, he saw so much. How his tan skin perfectly complimented his platinum blonde hair that framed his face perfectly. How his bright blue eyes stood out compared to the dark outfit he usually wore. Klavier looked down at the younger man and smiled. A smile different than the grin he wears in the courtroom. This time, it was genuine. They locked gazes, but just for a moment, as Apollo swiftly looked away, blushing slightly.

"Klavier, I..." he stopped himself mid-sentence. It had been just earlier today that Apollo had realized his feelings for Klavier were more than just friendly. He couldn't help but long for more in his relationship with his colleague. He just couldn't bring himself to tell him. It felt like a high school crush at this point, with Apollo trying to pick up on subtle hints presented by the other man. Klavier's gaze still laid on Apollo, though he was looking away. Apollo's heart was racing, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. That feeling was correct. Apollo suddenly felt a pair of warm lips on his own. The kiss was brief, as both of them tried to process what had just occurred.

When the two broke apart, Klavier stood, silently

"My apologies, Apollo... I should be leaving," he nearly whispered, and started off towards the door. This time, it was Apollo who made a move. In one swift movement, he grabbed Klavier's wrist and dragged him closer, drawing him into a second kiss. This one was more passionate than the first, both of them having the same intentions. Klavier soon took dominance in the kiss, wrapping his arms around Apollo's waist, and backing him into the couch. Their lips moved together, almost mimicking the beat of the clock. Apollo lightly placed a hand on the other man's cheek and ran his fingers through his hair. The embrace lasted for what seemed like hours-- when in reality it was merely a few minutes. After the kiss was broken, they both sat in a comfortable silence, sharing a mutual gaze full of curiosity of what to come. Neither could quite believe that the previous events had just happened, but neither dared to question it. Apollo was the first to break the silence

"Klav..." he had so much that he wanted to say, yet no way to say it. Instead, he leaned his head on the other man's shoulder. Klavier was astounded by how quickly Apollo's demeanor changed. At first, he appeared to be disinterested in his company, yet now he seemed like the exact opposite-- Of course, Klavier wasn't mad about it. They locked gazes, and Klavier smiled down at him. Maybe having to stay at work for three more hours wasn't going to be so bad after all. 


Hey, lovelies! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! I absolutely loved writing this- even though I wish that I had written just a little bit more. I absolutely love Klavier and Apollo with all my heart. If you want someone to talk to about PWAA, since I know the fans are so scarce, just DM me and I'd be happy to talk! Thank you again for reading! 

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