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Lucian Wake jr. - Son of Lucian and Allison Wake, was the last one to speak to Allison before she disappeared , if you would like to call it that, she whispered a saying that she always said to her kids before heading off for her night-shift. Lucian has been experiencing nightmarish lucid fugue states throughout the day ever since his mother's disappearance, he tries to pretend like it isn't happening to him in order to seem normal, because it's never felt like that for his family. Lucian is a very late bloomer with his gifts, so he doesn't quite understand what's going on. He doesn't talk to his family about much because of how they treat his sister

Madison Wake- Daughter of Lucian sr and Allison wake, to outsiders you'd see Madison as sort of the perpetual "favorite" child because of how much close attention the parents paid to her, Madison, as most females with the sight acquired it at a young age and her parents were working to show her ways to keep it under wraps and train her and her abilities, that is until her mother vanished after going for a late-night shift 

Lucian Wake Sr. - Has always been protective of his family but ever since his wife's disappearance he seems to have tightened the reins a lot. he knows it was nothing ordinary that caused his wife's disappearance because they were anything but. His ties with the registrants have been cut so he has to use the bare minimal resources given to him to find his wife

Registrant- The registrants are the magical counsel made up of mages who keeps watch over the supernatural and keep tabs on all that happens. Lucian Sr. was a high honored graduate of the registrant academy but soon meet Allison and decided to step away from his duties and pursue a family with her. with that his ties were severed with the counsel

Sheriff. Dan Stryker- Became sheriff around the time of Allisons disappearance 

Kyle Tanner - Older brother of Samantha Tanner

Samantha Tanner- one of Lucian's  only friend, she  knows about Lucian's shortcomings and acts as his support 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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