almost night. chapter 1

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Bell hated her life, her parents had split up when she was little and she had gone to live with her mother in L.A. Things though hadn't worked out,she was an miserable child who took comfort in the ice cream parlours of the strip and by the age of 16 had ballooned to 22 stone. In desperation her mother sent her for liposuction before packing her off to live with her dad in the miserable town of Pointy Cutlery, so a very different looking, and much thinner girl ended up living with her dad in the constantly cloudy and drab town. Although she looked totally different, she was still a miserable moody cow that even her parents struggled to love.

Her dad didn't have a clue what to do with a teenage girl (it seemed that shooting her was against the law but after the local judge met her he said that he could get the punishment down to community service.) so he bought her a pick up truck with dodgy brakes,hoping that the wet slippery roads would do him a favour and packed her off to the local school.

Bell hated it and even though she was mean and nasty to everyone, they all thought she was a total prat and blanked her moody miserable ass. That was until she saw the adopted children of the local Dr Colon and in particular Edward, she swooned at his total hotness and the way he sparkled when finally the sun broke through the clouds as he walked into the cafeteria, reflecting off his sequined jacket. To her horror though he totally blanked her and acted like he hadn't seen her as she struck her best pose and tried to flash a winning smile. Later that day in science she ended up sat next to him so she again tried to woo him, but as she leaned in towards him the roast pork and stuffing sandwich that she had had for dinner decided to force a bowl movement. A large smelly fart next to her dream boy didn't have the desired effect and he asked for a new lab. partner.

upset and distraught she drove home that night to lock herself in her room, vowing never to come back out. Her dad just wished that children would keep their promises so never again would he have to see that miserable face but knew that within a few hours she would be out again stomping about like the spoilt child she was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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almost night. chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now