Let it Snow

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"Ugh... No..." A low, raspy voice could just be heard from underneath the pile of blankets on the bed. It had been a cold night, even for the end of November. Anyone with a keen eye would spot two individuals snuggled up under the cosy fort, one of home just slammed their hand onto the screaming alarm. "It is way too early..." A similarly raspy, but slightly higher voice said, revealing a sleepy face when the covers were pushed down. You swung your legs out of the bed, and straight into your warm fuzzy slippers. You knew nothing would wake you and your boyfriend up more than the sunshine directly hitting your faces, and so you walked towards the window. As you pushed the curtains open, your eyes squinted at the bright, white light. That was not just sun. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you could make out the streets around you, and it didn't take you long to realize what was going on. Snow. It had actually snowed. "Dan!" You yelled, running to your boyfriend and pushing the seemingly lifeless body under the covers. "It snowed!" Your voice sounded happy as a child, which you were. You loved winter and snow, especially when it was no longer falling but had just coated every inch of every surface with a lovely white glow. "Snow? At the end of November? What is happening?" Dan said as he got up, ready to see whether you had been tricking him to get him out of bed or not. "We've got to make the most of it now that we can." He said, turning to you with a bright smile on his face. "Put on your warmest clothes, we're going out!"
"It feels like it's been forever since I saw this all last!" You chirped as the two of you left your apartment building, stepping right into the fresh snow. It was early enough in the morning that most of it was still untouched, soft and fresh, exactly as it should be. It seemed even the stressed businessmen on the streets took a second to appreciate how beautiful the city looked, and it made you smile to see people around you smile. It was almost out of a christmas movie, where it snowed exactly when the plot needed it to. Except this was real. "I'm gonna do it." You turned to your boyfriend as his voice broke your thoughts, and your eyes passed from him down to the big round snowball in his hands. "No! Dan, I swear, you know how I feel about wet clothes, I'll fucking kill you." You warned him, and he put his hands up while laughing. "Okay, okay, I'll stop... For now." He winked, dropping the snowball onto the ground. "Can we at least do something with it?" Dan asked, and you nodded. "We can do a snowman race. Five minutes, who ever builds the best snowman wins." You grinned. Dan agreed, as you had assumed he would, and soon the both of you were battling like your lives depended on it.
"You're stealing my design!" You yelled as you were three minutes into building your snowman, and Dan's version looked suspiciously like yours. "Am not!" He replied, turning his back to you to shield his work. "Stop cheating!" He said, waving you off. You had the building of snowman down to an art, you had always been good at it as a child and it was still one of your best talents. This one was no different. You didn't have pebbles for buttons or a carrot for a nose but you made it work, and when the five minutes were up, you had a beautiful snowman. "Alright, hands off and reveal!" Dan said, and the both of you stepped away from your snowmen. You had to keep yourself from giggling too much at the sight of Dan's snow creature, it looked like it had just come home from a very long night at the bar. "Yours looks like shit." You eventually said, unable to keep your laughter to yourself. "Excuse me?!" Dan rose his voice, pretending to be shocked and extremely offended. "You're going to pay for this!" He announced, reaching down into the snow and he started quickly forming fresh snowballs. "No!" You yelled, and you took off running, but within a few seconds a wet ball of snow hit you on the back. You gasped and turned back to Dan, who was incredibly proud of himself. "Oh you are going to pay for that Howell! I won't stop until you're on the floor!"

credit to: danhowlfics

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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