Ib (The Orginial)

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Chapter 1 -The Fabricated World-

Ib and her parents walk into the museum and is greeted by the man behind the desk. There were people everywhere looking at different paintings, it was simply amazing to Ib.

"I'll allow you to explore alone, just remember honey, be careful!" Mom waves at Ib.

Ib was very excited to look at all of the paintings, she had went to one called the "Serpents Spirit" (Ib is unable to read some words since she is only 9 years old)it resembled beauty, wisdom, and jealousy. Ib stared at the headless maniquins. One was in a red dress (beauty), one in a blue dress (wisdom), and one in a yellow dress (jealousy).

"Woaaah!" Ib said in awe, she thought the model was marvelous and really represented the human-world. She went over to another painting called the "Coughing Man".

"I wonder why they have a painting of a coughing man? It must have some type of meaning behind it." Ib looked at the painting for a little while, thinking of a good back-story.

After a good while, Ib goes to the very back of the upstairs part of the museum to see the the painting Fabricated World (it would appear as ??? World to Ib). When Ib looks at it, the museum goes pitch black without a sound to be heard. What could be going on ? Letters made of red paint appear on the ground spelling the words "Come Ib" with blue paint lettering on the wall.

Ib looked around and went downstairs back to where her mother and father should be, but they were gone. No where to be found. Ib looks downstairs to see a picture of those scary fish from the really deep sea. She's sees something beneath that painting, something that seemed real, and lively. There was lettering on it saying "Jump in." Ib had nothing else to do but jump in which had lead her to a hallway. She was now in the Fabricated World ...

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