Chapter 1

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This is just a book that will only have i think almost 12-15 chapters, or maybe less.


School sucks, i have good grades though. Like really good grades but i just hate it, its so boring. I need a plot twist to happen like come on its all i ask.

I roll my eyes when i enter the school, thank goodness its my last year. YAY i mentally cheered.

I already ate at home so i just went to my first hour. I walked in and didnt see Mr. Frank their, hmm weird he is always here before anyone.

I ignore the thought and take a seat in the far corner like i always do. I take out my stuff from my bag and try and find something to do, luckily i have some homework to finish. A few minutes later the bell rang singaling that we have five minutes to get to class. 

Students began to fill in the seats, right when the bell rang a tall man walked in and put his stuff on the teachers desk. I see students giving each other the "wtf is going on" looks.

"Hello class my name is Mr. Parker. Your last teacher unfortunately retired, so ill be your new teacher for the rest of the year." He said. His voice is a turn on. I mentally slap myself and got my shit together. I shouldnt be having these thoughts towards a teacher anyways. 

He began to teach the class, the whole time i was staring at his features. Beautiful hair, nice glasses, and oh my DIMPLES might i add.  Of course a beautiful smile, he seems muscular. Hes wearing a blue plad button up shirt. With black jeans, and nude teacher shoes. I call them that lol. 

-bell rings-

I slightly got alarmed and packed my stuff quickly. And went on to my next class.

Time went by fast and i was on my way to fourth period, sadly my aide hour. 

I made my way to Mr. Parkers class, once i entered he looked up.

"You must be my aide." He smiled

"Yeah, im emilee, Emilee Taylor. Emilee with two e's at the end by the way." I held out my hand and he gladly shook it.

"Nice to meet you" 

"You too as well" i walk to the seat right in front of him. And i watch him as he goes and shuts the  door, weirdly the door doesnt have one of those small windows.

"So what do you need me to do" i smile.

"Nothing really, i dont have anything to do so. Lets talk about stuff i guess." He chuckled as he sat on the desk next to me.

"Oh like what" i flash my eyelashes at him.

"Anything you'd like" he got off the table and kneeled down next to me.

I may be a book worm but it doesnt mean im not into sexy guys, Im very flirtatious.

"Well i dont know what to talk about Mr. Parker." I rub his arm slowly.

"Call me Ray" he smirks and moves his hand slowly under my skirt aka my uniform.

"Ray, i mean their is a closet behind us. Maybe you could show me around in there" i wink at him, i got out of my seat and headed to the back of the class with him following.

I put my hand on the handle, and he soon wraps his arms around my waist. He moves my hair and slowly kisses my neck with me leaving a slightl quiet moan. I open the door and turned on the lights.

"I shouldnt be doing this with a student, but im so into a sexy bookworm." He says seductively.

"Well trust me, it will all be worth it" i smile and close the door and lock it. I turn to look around and find a brown teachers table. I walk to it but he spins me and picks me up to later place me on top of it.

"Impatient are we" i bite my lip.

He smiles and begins to kiss me softly with of course his hands under my skirt. I let out soft moans during out kissing session. I slide my hand right on his member and begin to rub it. Which  was a great idea because he left out a hot moan leaving his soft lips.

"Ray, may i?" I say while putting my hand on his belt. He is currently kissing my neck, which is leaving so much sensation.

"Yes darling" he begins to unbuckle his jeans and pulls them down leaving him in just his boxers.  His member is obviously hard as i can see it right now. I smile and got off the table and got onto my knees.

"You sure you're ready for this" he looks down towards me.

"Im sure" i wink at him once more. I began to pull down his boxers and, i see his very long and thick member pop out. 

"Wow, guess i make good choices on sizes" i smile seductively.

He just winked and started to grab my hair so it wont get in the way.

"Wait let me lay on the table to make it easier for you" i just nod and watch him sit on the table with his arms stretched from behind.

I started to slowly lick his tip, then slowly put his member in my mouth. It was a bit of a struggle since it was so big. Luckily i was able to pick up speed and bobbed my head back and forth. 

"Yep this was totally worth it" he moans.

I go faster hearing moans leave his mouth everytime it hit the back of my throat.

"Im close" he grunted

I went faster by the second, which caused him to explode into my mouth. I moaned and left his member. I look up to him and slid a few fingers in my mouth showing him i loved it. He bit his lip and quickly got off the table. And pulled up his boxers along with his jeans. 

"God youre so fucking sexy" he slid his hands under my skirt and tighly squeezed my ass causing me to bite my lip.

"We can always take this a step further" i smile. And walk away, then lift up my skirt exposing my black lace thong and bent down.

"Oh mami, we cant today because its almost time for your next class. I have lunch fifth hour so thats good for me i guess" he walked up to me and put his waist on my behind making me feel his hardness. I turn around to face him.

"I dont have a fifth hour sexy" i say seductivly.

"Guess what? I dont have a condom with me"i pout.

"Awe, youre missing out." I walk away and put my hand on the door handle.

He quickly got to me and pinned me to the door.

"We can always have dry sex" he whispers in my ear.


End of chapter 1

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