The Newborn Child

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This story will start off with 3rd person point of view.
The story will then change to only the daughter's POV.
That will start in the next chapter. Right now the daughter is not born yet, so that is why I am going to start off with 3rd person.
AGAIN: This book will be based on the daughter's life only!


Nobody's POV.

"Your Majesty? The doctors will be here soon." the male servant, Max, reported.

"Thank you. You may go now." Queen Luna replied gratefully. Max bowed his and left the room.

Luna looked over at her husband, King Henry, and nodded.

I'll be fine... she told him through mind linking. He nodded replying. A bit later, the doctor walked in.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" the doctor asked as she cautiously made her way to the bed.

"I feel excited. I Can't wait for the baby to arrive," the Queen replied.

Screams came from the poor Queen as she gave birth to the new child. A purebred royal.

6 hours later...

It was over. Finally. The Queen was sent into coma while newborn Princess Elizabeth Rain Williams, lay in her crib sleeping soundly. Her beautiful green eyes shimmered in the light of the sun when they opened and looked around.

"Enjoy this while it lasts, Elizabeth. Cause once I can take you're not going to go there. You're going to the streets. So be ready," the King said.

A week later...

The King kept his threat toward the young Princess. Once he got the baby out of the hospital, he took a taxi to an ally way between an alcohol and drug store.

Once he left, Elizabeth began to cry. A jogger, his wife, and a few friends came between the stores the next morning. They found the precious infant laying there, wrapped in a thin blanket.

"Oh, the poor dear. Are you all right?" the woman asked. A card lay beside the Princess's head.

It read...
Whoever finds this child, congratulations. Her name is Elizabeth Rain Williams. No, not the royal. This baby lives in town, but we can't keep her. She was born a week ago. Better treat her good, because if not, I will find you and do something I will regret. But I'll do it for my daughter's sake.

The jogger's wife gasped as she read it again but out loud so the boys could hear. They glanced back down at the small child and the female quickly picked her up off the freezing ground.

"We'll keep her. Elizabeth, I'm Jamie and this is my husband, Randy. Don't worry, we can keep you safe."


I hope you all enjoyed chapter one!

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