Unbalanced yet Unbreakable.

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Jeff's POV

I sigh as I rise from my bed and exit my room. It was time for breakfast and I needed something to eat.

The smell of bacon fills my nose as I find myself rushing down the stairs. I look at the breakfast table to see some of the plates missing.

I grab my plate and enter the living room. I find Sally and EJ sitting on the couch watching a weird show as they eat there food.

I sit down and watch it with them. "Come on Slender cut me just this one time."

I hear a familiar voice come from around the corner. An irritated Slender man turns the corner followed by BEN.

He was always such a weirdo. Always in his room and then sneaking out at night doing god knows what. "For the last time no."

Slender shouts at BEN. His ears droop slightly as his red eyes stare at the floor board. He faces me. "What are you looking at?" I say to him raising an eyebrow.

He doesn't response and heads up the stairs. I could've sworn I saw something flash through his eyes, I don't know what. 

I finished my breakfast and heading into the kitchen, placing my plate into the sink, and heading out for a walk. "Oh look, are you going to go kill more innocents?" I hear not to far from my left.

"What do you want Jane?" I question her.

"Your life." She says in a sinister tone.

"Not in a million years." I state with irritation as I head deeper and deeper into the woods.


"What are you looking at?" He tells me. I don't respond and walk upstairs into my room.

I could feel the pain in my chest about to burst. I once again silently cry as the black substance fall out of my eyes and stain my oak colored floor board.

I look out my window to see Jeff walking outside  and Jane not to far off. 'Great...' I think to myself as I go onto my bed and hug my knees. "Why does he hate me so much?" I question quietly.

I look at pillow which seems to be entirely covered in my black tears. I flip it over and bury my face into the pillow. "Stupid Slender man.." I mumble. I grab my razor blade that's hidden underneath my pillow.

"Stupid Jeff. Stupid Mansion. Stupid Jane, Jack, Sally, Masky. Stupid Stupid Stupid." I say as I make each cut for each any every thing that I call stupid.

Then it hits me. "Stupid.. Me."

Jeff's POV

I rip my knife away from the man's heart and began drawing my art onto his face. Cutting a smile onto his face and burning his eyelids. I grin excitedly, "I've made you so beautiful." I laugh.

A lady screams not to far from behind me. I turn around only to freeze in my tracks. Her large green eyes in horror and she quickly pulls out her phone. I quickly snatch the phone away, crushing it in my hands.

She goes to scream again and I cover her mouth, "Stop screaming or you'll die too."

She quickly pulls my hand away from her face, "I'd rather die! You killed my boyfriend." I sigh as I shove my knife into my pockets.

"He shouldn't be standing in the alley in the middle of the night." I say looking at her amused.

"You monster! HEL-" I cover her mouth again feeling a familiar presence around. She continues to make loud muffled noises. I glare at her coldly and she shuts up.

The silhouette walked past the alleyway and looked extremely familiar. Who was it? "You've met a terrible fate haven't you.." I hear someone say as I turn around wide eyed.

It was BEN, he holds his hand out not seeming to recognize me at all. "Wanna play a game?" He says in a sinister manner.

A virtual sword seems to slowly form in his hand. "BEN, Hey, it's me Jeff." I say to him only to get a confused look to fill his face.

"Jeff?" He says with just bloodlust lurking on his tongue. I quickly grab the hand of the girl who's been sitting in fright for a while and run down the alley way and quickly turn a corner.

BEN appears in front of us.

"Don't you recognize me?" I say as a bored expression runs across his face. Suddenly the girl behind me shouts a blood filled cry.

I turn to see BEN, stabbing her from behind. A sinister smile across his face. I turn back around to see the one who stood in front of me disappear.

'This is BEN!?' I turn around only to dodge a blow from BEN's sword.

"BEN! Come on stop!" I shout at him. He stares at me a bored expression.

"Why?" He questions.

"Why!? What do you mean 'Why?' BEN you-"

"Why!? Why do you hate me!?" He says cutting me off, "What have I ever done to you? Huh? Tell me... what have I done..?"

I remain silent as I've never seen BEN react this way before. Black substance mixed with blood coming from his eyes.

What was he feeling? Why had he acted this way?

"I just wanted... I just.." His words trailed off as he falls to his knees. His face turns red as I slowly make my way towards his and kneel in front of him.

He looks at me with a pained eyes and than I realize that what was always flashing through it. "...You were always feeling this way weren't you..? Pained inside.."

"and it's your fault!" He roared in my face. His expression went from anger and confusion to shocked and pained. "I need to go." He says as he reaches into my pocket grabbing my cell phone.

"BEN you-" I was cut off by BEN being sucked into my phone and disappearing from site.

My gaze falls to the cold bloody concrete, "BEN..." I mubbled.

Unbalanced yet Unbreakable [Jeff The Killer x Ben Drowned Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now