"We Were Just Friends"

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No one knows what happened after the "Do Ya Thing" video when the Gorillaz were evicted (I'm sure Murdoc being the cheap bastard he is didnt pay the rent) from their apartment on 212 Wobble St. After they were evicted Russel went back to New York, somewhat reluctant to leave behind his friends, to reconnect with old friends. Murdoc lives with some woman named Rebecca, who he claims he doesn't love but everyone knows he does. Then there is the story I will tell...of 2D and Noodle. They live in an apartment near Kong in Essex. A two bed, two bath, well spaced out apartment. They both have feelings for each other but don't wanna ruin their friendship by telling the other. The occasional boyfriend of Noodle and girlfriend of 2D passes through but there's never been anyone they truly love..except for each other. If only they knew one another's feelings. And that boys and girls is where our story begins on Valentines night with no dates. Btw just in case you were wondering this is a 2DxNoodle story and Noodle is 23 which means 2D is 36


"Ey, Noods will ya come 'ere for a sec?" 2D called from the living room in the middle of the apartment. "Sure, Toochi, one second!" Noodle called back. Stuart wanted to ask Noodle to be his valentine but wasn't sure about it, he called her over anyways. She came out of her room with a robe and slippers since it was morning and went to the kitchen to make herself some coffee to wake her up. "What is it, Toochi?" she asked while pouring her coffee grounds into the coffee maker. "Well I wanted to ask ye somethin' Love." "Ok, one second." From the kitchen she walked into the living room with coffee in hand blowing on it to cool it off. She sat down opposite of 2D on the sofa and sipped her coffee waiting for his question. "Yes?" 2D twiddled his thumbs nervously sweating a little. "Well I was jus' wonderin' if I don' know since neither of us 'ave a significant other or anyfing I jus'..." He trailled off staring into her beautiful green eyes. "Go on..." Noodle said curious as to what he was going to ask. "Well, I know its Valentines and neither of us 'ave a date so I was wonderin' if maybe you wanted to go with me to dinner tonight? As friends ya know?" He waited anxiously for her answer playing with his thumbs again. "That sounds great, Toochi!" She said as she lunged forward hugging him, "Where are we going? When are we going? Oh my gosh I have to get ready!" "Well I made reservations for that fancy restaraunt down the street at six o'clock tonight." "Ooooh the Versailles De Rouge?" Noodle said excitedly. "Yeh, that one" 2D said, "I'll meet you out here at 5:30 even though it only takes a few minutes to walk I figured we should get there early." "OK Ill see you out here at 5:30."

5:30 P.M.

"You close lil' love?" 2D said as he knocked on the door leaning close to it to hear her. Soon after he did this she opened the door and he quickly stepped backwards. As he looked up he saw her beautiful as ever but even more so in her black formfitting dress that ended mid thigh and cherry red high heels. Her hair was up in a fancy up-do and she smelled like cotton candy because of her perfume. He blinked rapidly as he saw her thinking it was a dream because of how beautiful she was. "I look like a mess don't I? I should change I shouldn't have worn this dress!" Noodle said as she came out. "No! You look great lil' love." 2D said, it took him a minute to realized what she had said because he was so astonished by her beauty. "Thanks ,Toochi" she said smiling down at the floor and blushing. "Shall we?" 2D said as he offered his arm to her. "Sure, let's go!" Noodle said as they headed to the car park to get Noodle's Volks Wagen Bug in the shade of lime green to head to the restaurant because Noodle was NOT going to walk there in her heels!

5:50 P.M.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the hostess asked as 2D and Noodle walked into the restaraunt. "Reservation fo' Stuart Pot. It should be fo' two." 2D said. "Follow me, please." the hostess said with a smile. Once the couple was comfortably seated at a booth sitting across from each other in the dim lighting, with a small candle as well, a waiter appeared to take their drink order and for some reason was acting very strange. He kept staring at Noodle but not in a lustful way but in a curious, confused sort of way but she never glanced his was except for very briefly to order her drink of a glass of wine along with 2D. Finally the waiter said "Noodle? Is that you?" "Josh?!" she said glancing up to reply thinking the waiter was just a fan of the Gorillaz "Yeah! Remember me from high school? We used to date. Although nobody knew because you said the guys in your band would go berzerk if they found out you had a boyfriend! Hahaha! How funny you would happen to be at my table! And where are my manners? Is this your boyfriend?" "Um, yeah this is 2D the lead singer from Gorillaz. And were just, er, friends." "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I should've know. Me and my big mouth! I promise we never did anything in high school except for maybe kiss but thats it mister, uh, 2D, sir, sorry." They all blushed from the immediate conversation involving Noodles love life.

When Josh had left... "So you had a boyfriend and didn't tell me?" 2D questioned, a little hurt because he thought Noodle trusted him enough to tell him. "I was embarrassed to tell you. I would normally tell you but I don't know I just felt embarrassed about it and kept it to my self." "Oh" was all 2D could manage to get out before he excused himself to go to the bathroom. He really felt hurt plus he loved her and wanted to be her first kiss but that woulden't happen now because of that stupid Josh guy but at least now he knew. He came back to the table feeling better, not 100% but more like 90%. After dinner they headed back to their apartment in complete silence. Neither of them could think of anything to say after what had happened at the restaurant.

2D unlocked the door and held it open for Noodle. She immediately went to the couch to take her heels off they were killing her feet. She was suprised she made it though dinner! 2D sat next to her on the couch and watched her. She looked even more beautiful in the moonlight coming in through the window as she took off her shoes. She looked up him and brushed her bangs out her eyes asking "What?" as he looked away and blushed. "Oh nothing, love, you just look really pretty in the moonlight is all." Oh my gosh did he really just say that he wanted to bang his head on the wall so hard he would get a concussion or something maybe permanent brain damage so he could forget he even said that. "Thanks, Toochi!" she said blushing way more than she should have she felt like she was giving her feelings away already but what she did next was totally unexpected. "Hey, Stu?" "Yeh', Love?" "Do you love me?" It took him a minute to process the question thinking he had imagined it or had fell asleep or something. She looked down assuming that him not answereing was a no. "I have for a while, Love. I just never got the courage to tell you. I didnt know what to say or how to bring it up." he said while scooting closer to her. "The main reason I asked you to dinner was I wanted to tell you how I felt" Their faces were inches apart foreheads almost touching but not quite. " I..I wanted to say I love ya lil' love!" He then took her face in his hands and crashed his lips into hers. As their tounges tied they soon pulled away. A little too fast for either of their tastes but looked into each others eyes searching each others for their feelings for each other "Well, I accepted your offer because I love you too!" as they joined together for another more passionate kiss as they slowly laid down together on the couch as their kiss became even more desperate and passionate but they broke apart but not for long. "Not...(A/N ...=kiss) tonight...I...oh never mind..." Noodle said engulfed in 2D's kisses. He picked her up not breaking away and carried her to his bed room and they only broke as 2D threw her on his bed only to kiss her more (A/N Don't worry kiddos it doesn't get worse than this so calm down) she broke the kiss panting to catch her breath and finally said "I'm sorry I want to but not tonight I've never done that and I don't think I'm ready. Trust me I want to but maybe another time." she said as she slowly sat up by propping herself up on her elbows. "That's awright, Love, I can wait just tell me when your ready and take your time. I've been waiting all this time and I can wait longer I'm just happy that I could finally tell you how I feel." "Me too!" " Well, do you wanna sleep here like you did when you were little and snuggle or go back to your lonely cold room?" 2D said raising his eyebrows in a slightly provacative way. "Goodnight, 2D!" Noodle said with a laugh walking out of the room and across the lving room back to her room. "Goodnight, Love!" he shouted back.

And there concludes our story! Hope you liked it this was my first fan fic and I love it but I don't know if you do so please I would like Constructive Criticism not hate nice little suggestions so thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you later little loves! ~xoxo gorillazandthedoctor (AKA KD or KT whatever you wanna call me same prenunciation pretty much)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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