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The Second Gumi pov


"I - I'll see you later, Yuuta-kun!" I call out to my best friend. He smiles and waves before walking away.

The boy that I was walking with is my best friend - as said before. I plan on confessing to him soon... if I can push that cowardice away and find the courage! We have been friends for about a year now, and I believe he likes me! Sometimes we'll accidentally bump hands and I blush and he blushes and he tries to hide it by dragging his green eyes away and hiding his face with his blonde hair. I merely giggle at his attempts to try to hide the blush. It's kind of cute. There's more, but that was an example.

It's Friday, which means that I'll be playing some video games and binging on some carrots - without homework! Now, if I could only muster enough strength to walk home....

* * *

"Mhmm. A - Alright. I'll take care of it." I click off my cell phone and sigh. There are times when I just want to yell at my parents and fire cuss words at them, but I can't. I just can't. It's weird.

I get up from the couch and do chores, then make myself dinner. After finally finishing, I sit down to eat. For some reason, my mind drifts to Yuuta-kun, and I can't help but to feel my heart beating faster. Maybe if I just give him a call, I can admit to him that I like him and we can live happily ever after and ride into the sunset on a white horse - wait, unicorn. No? Okay. I see how it is.

I dial the phone number, my fingers trembling. His cell rings a few times before he picks up, "Hey, Gumi-chan."

Even though Yuuta can't tell if I'm shaking my head or nodding or any body language, really, I shake my head anyways. It gets silent for a brief moment before I realize that I had been staring at the wall, shaking my head, and letting my green eyes dart around. Exactly how much patience does this boy have!? "Uhm," I whisper after a moment, finally shaking the daze away, "a - are you busy? We should hang out. If.. you're not doing anything, of course, and I think it'd be... cool... to talk to you because we haven't talked in a while." A nervous giggle was hiccuped at the end, unintentionally.

"...Gumi-chan? Are you sure you're okay? We just talked on the phone yesterday. Do you want me to come to your house and check on you?"

"Oh... Well, it'd be nice if you could come over. I - I'd like that..." I trail off, shyly.

Why are conversations so awkward!? Why are my conversations so awkward!?

"Sure. Be there in five."

"See you then."

I hang up the phone after my last sentence and flop back on the couch, ignoring the dinner I made. "That. Was. Such a fail!" I scream loudly into my pillow.

I had been sulking there for five whole minutes (possibly more if the doorbell didn't ring) when I hear the doorbell and a quick knock. I trip over the coffee table, landing flat on the floor, but I pull myself up and run to the door. I calmly pat my green hair down, fix my clothes, and open it. There is Yuuta, a concerned expression on his face. "I heard something. Did you fall? Tell me what happened."

"I tripped and fell when I went to go to the door. Nothing big."

He nodded slowly, a weird expression on his face. He points to the inside of my house, "Could I come in?"

"Of course!" I cry out, and step aside.

He comes into the house and I calmly shut the door behind him. It may seem I'm composed, but inside, my heart is beating in my throat, I feel my hands getting clammy, and my face is going red. Of course Yuuta has to notice this.

"Are you running a fever? Let me check your temperature." He walks away then comes back with the thermometer.

Dammit, Gumi!

He puts it in my ear and I push him away. "I'm not sick, Yuuta-kun," I say with a nervous laugh. How do I word this?! "Uhm... I have something to tell you."

I think he gets what I'm saying! He's starting to blush! "Y - yes?" he asks.

"I - I..." I can't find the words! "Uh..." My mind goes blank. For some reason, I somehow blurted it out without my brain knowing what the hell happened because his face says it all. It was a mix between confusion and concern. I think there was a small hint of disgust or dislike, too.

"Uh.. Gumi-chan... I'm sorry, but.." He's trying to word this carefully. "I... I don't like you."

Imagine a perfectly good heart - the shape. It is red and it is in love. Then, you finally get the confidence needed to tell the person how you feel. They don't like you. What is it now? Broken in half? Shredded to pieces? Because it was definitely dislike. He dislikes me. I don't know about disgust, but... I don't know what to think. I am frozen in place.

He taps my shoulder, "G -Gumi-chan... Are.. are you mad..? Are you okay?"

I blink a few times, forgetting who and where I am for a brief moment. "I'm... just fine. It's okay. I understand."

He smiles, "Do you think we could still be friends? Tell me. I hope we can."

My green eyes drop to the ground, then they drag to meet Yuuta's face. "Sure," I say, heartbroken.

He smiles with a sigh of relief, "Okay, whew. That's good. Considering that I have a boyfriend already [[yup. i'm going there]], he would like to know there's no competition."


I immediately snap out of whatever I was in - a trance? "What do you mean 'boyfriend?' Why didn't you ever tell me you were gay?"

"Correction: I'm half gay; I'm bi."

I raise an eyebrow then blink a few times. Nothing like adding to that picture of the heart that your bestfriend who you have a crush on - is gay. Wait, wait, half gay. (Is there still a chance...?) I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, but I wish he would have told me before I completely fell in love with him! And, he's in love with the opposite gender. I have absolutely no chance. (I guess not, anyways.)

I can't believe what I heard. Maybe I was making this up. Maybe the situation was in my mind? But, now, I suddenly feel sick to my stomach and now I just want to be alone. Push everyone away. Thanks, Yuuta Akiko. You really broke me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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