Chapter One

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I've been dating Jade since August. Since Bro sat me down and told me I obviously like her and should go for it. Since Bro took my phone and texted her to meet me on the roof. Since he ushered me out of the apartment toward the roof giving me a thumbs up.

So yes, Bro is responsible for my relationship. He sort of forced me to confess my feelings on a surprisingly nice summer night. Although Jade and I didn't have the best view of the stars, we sat up on the roof almost all night. The pressure that had been between us was gone. I'm surprised Bro even noticed. I mean yeah she just moved into the same apartment building and we were hanging out all the time. But I didn't expect him to care about my relationships so much.

But now there's a problem in our nice little relationship. It's our first Christmas together. Which should be nice, but it's complicated. One, I have no idea what to get her, and two, New Years kiss is like right after Christmas. Not that it should be a big deal because we are dating, but I've never kissed her before. I've put that off as much as I possibly could. Because I definitely had the chance to before. I took her to homecoming and right in the middle of our song she looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes, and I froze.

It was a code red, system malfunction, error error, kind of thing. Lucky for me John noticed and bumped himself and Rose into us. Which effectively gave me a good reason not to kiss her. But at the same time I felt guilt twisting up inside of me. I really like Jade, but I'm so afraid of doing anything different or new. What if I mess it up somehow? And I definitely don't want her to think that I don't want to kiss her, but I also don't want her to know I'm afraid too.

Due to my two current problems, I've decided to seek out Bro's help. He was so good at solving my very first problem, actually asking her to go out with me. But I didn't ask him for help the first time. So I have no idea how this is going to go.

"Hey Bro." Bro glances over his shoulder at me. He's watching TV, but he's always up for a strife. Which is probably what he thinks I'm asking for. "Uh, I need your help with something." I rush to add. The last thing I need is a strife.

"Oh really?" He cocks an eyebrow over his shades. "With what?"

"Well you know how you convinced me to date Jade?" Bro smirks and nods. "Well now I sort of have another little problem. Well more like two problems."

"What are they?"

"Well it's Christmas soon, and I don't know what to get her."

"Easy, your know those chia pets? Get her a dog one." I pace palm.

"Of course I can't expect you to help me twice."

"I was just kidding. Although that's not that bad of an idea. She likes dogs and gardening. You should get her that as a gag gift. But your serious gift should be some type of jewelry. Christmas and birthdays are when you buy jewelry when you can't think of anything else. She's probably like a locket. Unless your feeling really sentimental and want to buy her a promise ring."

"We've been dating for a few months, that's way too soon." I shake my head at him and walk over to the futon to take a seat next to him.

"Well, its obvious she's in love with you. Although, you don't seem so sure. I've been waiting for the big first kiss story, and I haven't heard it yet."

"Ah, well, that's actually the other problem." Bro nods like he expected that.

"Well don't worry so much about that. You'll have the perfect opportunity soon enough. Just go out and get her gifts. I'll let you know about your second problem later on."

"Okay, thanks." Bro nods to me and I head to my room to start on my search for her gifts. Even though I'm a little hesitant about the gag gift, I'm going to trust Bro anyway.

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