Hunter DuskStalker: Vampire King

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Attention: The following is a non-profitable, fan based story. Any characters that are mentioned from Wizard101 are not mine and give full credit to Kingsisle Entertainment Inc. Please enjoy the story.

Chapter One: What A Day


The Commons were calmer than earlier. Barely anyone was there, except for a few. One group was having a conversation, not aware that a boy was underneath a tree. The boy held a photo of his parents, who died saving him eleven years ago.

"Whatcha got there DuskStalker?" another boy said right behind him.

"It's nothing Marcus." the boy said.

"The royal DuskStalker family," Marcus pointed at the man and woman, "I studied them when we went to the abandoned Dusk Kingdom. See? King Hunter DuskStalker the Second, and Queen Ashley RoseGarden. I was always curious who the infant was. When the Undead attacked, I heard that every member of the family died. Are you related to them?"

The boy was shocked inside, but he casually said no. After Marcus left, the boy headed back to his adopted mom's house. He opened the door and the aroma of grilled chicken and rice filled the air.

"Mom! I'm home!" he said.

"Welcome home Hunter!" his adopted mom said, kissing him. Fiona MythHeart was her name, and she had to be the best mother a Necromancer can have. Yet again, she was the only mother Hunter had that was still alive.

"Mom, I want to learn more about what happened to my parents." he explained.

"Another day, sweetie," Fiona said, "you already know enough about them."

"Okay Mom." Hunter replied, sad that his mother would not tell him.

"Now," she said, "my boyfriend Brandon LotusSpear is coming over at nine. I need you asleep by then okay?"

"Okay Mom." Hunter said, setting the table for dinner.

Chapter Two: The Love of a Lifetime


"Hunter! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" Fiona yelled from downstairs.

Hunter moaned. He couldn't sleep over the night due to sex sounds he could hear from downstairs. But he did not care and got ready for school. The school bus arrived the moment he teleported to the bus stop. He sat down at the first seat on the bus, and he was once again surrounded by the bullies.

"Hey Hunter," one of them said, "got any new shit with you?"

"What the hell is that on your neck?" another one said, ripping his Life Mastery Amulet off of him.

"Hey," Hunter yelled, "give it back!"

"So what if I don't?" the bully sneered.

Nearly everyone on the bus laughed.

"What will happen, Wolf BlackHeart," a girl said, sitting right across from Hunter, "is that if you don't return his amulet, I will tell Mr. Ambrose to expel you."

Wolf growled at the girl, but returned the amulet to Hunter. Hunter put the amulet back on his neck and thanked the girl.

"My name is Roslyn DragonHeart," she said, looking into Hunter's navy blue eyes with her grass green ones, "what's yours?"

"My name is Hunter DuskStalker." he replied, looking at Roslyn carefully.

Roslyn had grass green eyes, devil red lips and brown flowing hair. She wore attire similar to those of a princess': a cyan and white dress with matching boots. Hunter was absolutely mesmerized. All the way to Ravenwood, they talked about what they did over the summer. As they were talking, Hunter felt as if Roslyn liked him back. They left the bus as they arrived: Roslyn first, followed by Hunter then everyone else. Hunter returned to his usual spot under the tree until classes started. He looked at Roslyn who, this time, was heading towards the Life School for an early gardening tour with Moolinda Wu. But as she walked the entryway, another girl stuck out her leg to trip her.

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