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Farcon. The Galra space mall cop. He appears in only two episodes. He is a supporting character in "Space Mall" and has a 1-3 second clip in "The Voltron show." Despite having less than 15 total minutes of screen time, I feel that this character has so much potential. So without further ado, I give you THE UNOFFICIAL OFFICIAL FARCON BACKSTORY. (I own none of the characters. All credit to dreamworks and the Voltron creators.)

Born a bastard child to a half Galra mother and a full Galra soldier, Farcon grew up in the low class civilian district of the swap moon. His mother was a bastardess (Parents unknown). She had been a drunkard since the age of 18 and had always been slightly unstable. One night at a bar after having a bit to much fermented space goo, she met a soldier that closely resembled the mighty Zarcon. Seeing an opportunity to "sleep to the top" she seduced the soldier to her house and had a very misguided night of revelry. The next morning she woke up alone. After that, she fell into a state of mental decline, convincing herself that one day Zarcon would return and treat her to the life of luxury she deserved. 9 months later, Farcon was born. The 3/4 Galra boy was home schooled and spoon fed highly romanticized (and blatantly untrue) stories of the brave, kind, and benevolent Zarcon.

Later in life, Farcon went out to find work and was taken under the wing of local shop owner Vrepit Sals. He learned all of the inner workings of the space mall and a little business sense. Durring his years there, he also befriended the rest of the shop keepers. Soon after, the head of mall security left and the position was empty. With no one wanting the job (and with it not being very necessary) Farcon was given the job with not much expected. Feeling honored, to take the position, Farcon sold all of his belongings and his (now deceased) mothers house and moved into the 3 room office/apartment included with the job.

With Farcon in charge, the mall experienced a dramatic change. Vrepit Sals got tenure, despite his high cost low return (until Hunk of course). Mall fights went from 50 to 3 monthly. Shoplifting went from 100 to only 2, and dine and dash in the food court went completely extinct. After a few crime free years, a band of "Space Pirates" outsmarted Farcon, sending him into a spiral of self deprecation and 16 hour training sessions. After a few months, Farcon decided to turn inward to find answers. He spent months traveling the swap moon in search of anyone who could tell him his history. 

As he learned more about his past, Farcon learns the truth about his birth and supposed "Father" After returning to the space mall, he fell into a deep despair. One night, he has an epiphany. Even without Zarcons genes, he still had made it to the top of the world (at least in his mind) and knowing his past did not change that he was still successful. He changed his allegiances (this is why he is playing with Voltron toys instead pf Zarcon figurines) and eventually got all crime rates down to zero. 

Thankyou for reading this. Please remember this is all speculation (until confirmed by someone on the Voltron creator team). Please reshare, repost, and spread as much as possible. Please also ask Dreamworks to confirm and create a Farcon episode of VLD. And lastly, PLEASE STAY AWESOME MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

Unofficial official Farcon BackstoryWhere stories live. Discover now