Life on Saturn - Short Story

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Holly had just woken up from her sleep and found herself waking up to rings around her, she looked around at the yellow ground and saw there was some pinks and blues in some places. Then she saw a figure in the distance, possibly a boy but she wasn't sure. She walked closer and the floor felt like snow like in the winter but was an average temperature like grass in the springtime. Once she got closer she saw horns but when she took one more step the creature ran off in the distance, Holly followed.

"Wait! I won't hurt you! I'm just-" The figure was gone, "lost..." Holly sighed and walked forward and saw some building, which she went closer and realized they were in a different language. She went in the restaurant she knew was a restaurant cause for some reason she knew the language.

She opened the door inside and saw some animal looking people inside including the one she saw. She went to an empty table near the one she saw and was shocked. The creature was a girl that looked nervous and shy to the person she was with.

The waiter came to her and asked what she wanted, "Just water please.." The waiter left and she looked and the girl again, and saw her what looked like bunny ears go down while the girl giggled.

Holly looked at the water that was given to her as she thanked the waiter. She drank it while she looked out the window. Seeing some children playing outside. She chuckled and fixed the bandage on her eye. The girl came over to her and sat at her table. "H-hi there, i-i'm Aluka... A-Aluka G-Genre."

Holly realized...... That this is Saturn's universe...

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