Apollo Mansion credits to Maddie and Taya

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(This story takes place around 2 weeks after the first chapter)

Another day in Apollo Mansion. I was sitting on the family room sofa, playing some Rainbow Six on my ps4. Until Halal & GiGi walked in. GiGi spoke up first. "Hey Amit..." I take off my headphones because I noticed GiGi's mouth was moving, he was one of the few adults in the mansion who I respected. "Yea, what's up?" I reply. This time halal spoke. "Amit, you know about the house which is at the end of this street?" I took a moment wondering, our street was empty, except that house at the end of the street. That house was finished with the constructing, and it was vacant for around 2 months. "Yea, what about it?" I reply. "It's sold, look out the window, a family is moving in right now." Halal replies. "Okay, and?" I ask. Halal's voice changed to a more commanding one. "And? And we have to welcome them, for crying out loud! Where are your manners? What happened to being a community? Granted we're the only house on this street, and the nearest neighbourhood is 3 streets away. But we have to welcome them, they're moving in, we have to show them that we're friendly neighbours. We have to reinforce their thought of safety."

"Ughhh" I groan. "Can't you and GiGi just welcome them?" "No, everyone has to come. Myth is coming with us, Baka has to come to, and so does Taya, Maddie is out right now but I notified her." She says in a dominant voice. "We're going at 8:00pm, I expect you to look good. Go take a shower, fix your hair, and don't come walking down the street with a damn t-shirt." She replies, in a more calm voice. Halal was a 16 year old, but she was one of the most dominant people in the mansion. Halal could be nice, but she was also strict, nevertheless I viewed her as a good friend. Halal was usually the one who told everyone their chores, such as washing the dishes or throwing the garbage out. Halal and GiGi walked back upstairs, and I looked at the time. It was 7:30PM. I decided to go take a shower, but before that, alert Taya. I walked upstairs and down the hallway, knocked 2x before entering Taya's room. I walk in, and see her playing some Six Siege on her PC. "Yo." I call out. "Yo!" My voice raised. "YO!" I yell. Taya pulls off her headphones. "WHAT?!" Taya yells back, in a bitchy tone. "Halal told us to get ready, we have to go meet the neighbours or some shit at 8:00PM." I reply. "I don't want to go." She says in a whining tone. "Too bad, we have to. Halal made that clear, tell Baka too." I reply before exiting and walking down the hallway. I take a shower, and then comb my hair. I put on a black shirt a black hoodie, and black sweatpants. I walk out, and pick up my phone. It was 7:50pm, I walked downstairs to find GiGi, Taya, Maddie, and Myth waiting. GiGi was wearing a white shirt, a black blazer, and black dress pants. Taya looked as basic as me, she was wearing a white hoodie over a t-shirt along with grey sweatpants. Myth was wearing a blue shirt, and black dress pants. Maddy was wearing a black hoodie over a white t-shirt. Baka was wearing a jacket over a grey t-shirt. "Alright, I made the pie!" Halal yelled as she walked over to us from the kitchen with a pie. Halal was wearing a red shirt, and a grey coat. We were all wearing something which was close to formal, but not extra. I mean, we were all going to a recently moved in family's house.

"Alright, let's go." GiGi says, we all walked through the main door, and then walked down the street. Halal was leading, and GiGi was at the back. I was in front of GiGi. "Listen, these neighbours..." GiGi whispered in my ear "They're not normal people, there are some rumors going around the city that they were nearly killed in the last town they were in. They were lucky to run off." "Why?" I ask. "There's no solid proof but, the rumor is that they were cannibals." Gigi whispers back. I was kind of shook, but played it off to GiGi messing with me. We had reached the house. Halal knocked on the door 3x. We heard a flesh cutting sound inside, like something big was being cut, such as a bull. After a while, a tall, skinny man answered the door. "Go away." He said bluntly.

"Hey! We're your neighbours, we wanted to welcome you with this p-" Halal began cheerfully, but he interrupted. "Go. Away. Leave the pie at the door, we don't like visitors. *Visitors are trouble*" He said in a cryptic tone, something about that made me shiver. He then slammed the door on our faces. We turned around and began walking down the porch. "I had a feeling they were gonna be *that* type of neighbours." Madeline says. "The neighbours who don't like anyone, and try avoiding people at all times." "Yea, fuck 'em, we don't need 'em." Halal says. I began speed walking to the house, because I was feeling cold. Taya caught up with me. "Amit, did you hear that...flesh cutting sound inside?" Taya asks. "Yea, it was probably them cutting up a chicken or something." I reply.

chapter 2 of apollo mansion thingWhere stories live. Discover now