Hold Me Hybrid (On Hold update July 5th)

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Hello everyone!! This is my brand new story that i love! Ive been thinking about writing this story all day! Ive been trying to think of character names like all day too! I really hope you enjoy this story as much as i do!!!!

Isabell POV~

Isabell is my name and im 16 years old. I live in a society mixed with Werewolves and hybrids. If you are wondering what a hybrid is, its a half werewolf half vampire creature. We dont very much like eachother. And of course my father is Alpha of our pack. I go to a school with both werewolves and hybrids. For classes we split us up because if we were mixed into a class together there would most likely be fights everyday. But when it come to sports, they have to come together. I happen to be the popular girl well werewolf, with long dark brown hair. Im kind of shy when it comes to guys though, i dont know why. My brother Sam, is a year older than me. He's also popular too. I Kind of think that were popular because were the alpha's kids. My brother plays football but always i mean always gets into it with a hybrid named Marcus. They always fight about whos gonna start quarterback for games. But personally i think that Marcus is better. Ive never really seen him in person though, but the things i hear about him make me not want to meet him. I hear that he is a huge player and sleeps with girls left and right. Usually hybrids, but he is cocky, mean, and of course an alpha. I was walking through the hallway with all eyes on me. I was trying to find my best friend Amber, but she was nowhere to be found. Until i turned the corner i saw her talking to my brother. I walked up to them smiling.

"Hey guys." I said while stopping in front of them.

"Hey Izzy, were just talking about the game after school." Amber said while blowing a bubble with her gum. I totally forgot iabout the game, but luckily they told me.

"Ya, and this time im going to start or else im gonna kill that marcus!" Sam said with anger clenching his fist.

"Settle down there bro, its just football!" I told him laughing. He then smirked at me like i was a little girl.

"Yah, well this football is going to get me into college." He said while walking away. I then looked at Amber who was wearing a cute short red dress.

"Are you going to the game with me?" I asked her while taking my phone out of my pocket. There was a short silence.

"Um yah, we can hook up with the guys from the other team like we always do!" She said smiling her devilish smile. We then began walking to lunch. I looked to my right where i saw Sam flirting with Jenna, the slut. I sighed but not in a good way.

"God Amber, my brother is such a manwhore!" I yelled laughing. Everyone looked at me when i said manwhore. I looked at them like what are you all looking at.

She laughed so hard while we sat at our lunch table. 

"Did you hear about Marcus?" She said leaning in close like she didnt want anyone to know. "Him and Jenna(Wolf), hooked up last night! And i heard it ended up pretty bad!" She said opening her eyes wide.

"What happened?" 

"I guess Jenna made a bad remark about hybrids and he literally tossed her out into the lake behind his house!!" She said cracking up.

"Are you serious, hes such a jerk! But she deserved it." I told her while grabbing my luch from my bag. We sat with three other people, but they must of ditched or something. I began eating my delicious turkey sandwich.

"Hey ill be right back, im gonna go pee." amber said while getting up and walking towards the bathrooms. I sat there alone eating my sandwich until someone came up and sat next to me.

"Isabel." I turned toward the person and it was Cody, a complete jerk who dated Amber.

"What do you want Cody?" I asked while giving him the death stare.

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