Chapter 1 The kidnapping

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As I was lying in my warm and toasty bedroom with my heater on Christmas eve. I was watching YouTube on my phone because I couldn't sleep. I looked at my alarm clock and it said 11:59. In sarcasm I said oh I better go to sleep so Santa gives me presents. So put on spotify turned of the lamp on the side of my bed. About thirty or so minutes later finally I was half asleep. Then I heard a huge bang on top of the roof that woke me straight up. I got out of bed to check if my parents and siblings had woken up as well. So I went to my parents room to check if they had woken up but they hadn't. Which didn't surprise me with how loud they were snoring. I went to my sister Janet's room and she hadn't woken up either which I found kind of weird. So in my suspicion I went to my brothers room to check if he had woken up when I got to his door I heard creaking down stairs. So I silently ran back to my room just to be safe. I kept a close eye on my door and nothing or no one came through it. All of a sudden I felt someone grab me and throw a sack over my head. It scared me so much my voice cracked out of fear. Then something cold went over my body so I assumed that they went in and out of my window. I felt the cold wind against my spine so I knew we were outside so in my cracking voice I asked the kidnappers if they could bring my heater and my phone for me. I was pretty sure they did because I heard them open my window again. It made me a little less scared that they were reasonable people. 

The unknown kidnappers through me in what I assumed to be a convertible because I didn't hear them open any doors. As we started to move since i wasn't nearly as scared i asked them if I could have my phone to watch youtube they made me swear I wouldn't call the cops and I agreed to their wishes I asked them if I could have me earbuds to since they were generous enough to take the sack of and just blind folded me so rather than watch youtube I just listened to Iron Maiden. We stopped moving and they lifted me out of the vehicle that we were in and hey took of my blindfold to reveal their faces and i saw a bunch of elves but there was someone else there I thought it was santa so I said hi to him and suddenly in a quick jerk he turned to look at me and as startled as i was for a minute nothing seemed to be wrong but when i actually look i realized it wasn't Santa it was Krampus. He was the exact opposite of Santa every child's worst nightmare. He looked at me with a penetrating stare like he hadn't me in a while right as I started to walk away I felt a shiver down my spine. I looked back and he was still staring at me. Creeped out turned around to the elves I asked them what happened they told me that Krampus had taken over the work shop last Christmas. Now he wants to kidnap teenagers for acclaimed self righteousness. They whispered to me that for every teenager he kidnaps he get bigger. At that moment I think he heard that because he looked over again but this time he started to walk over. next thing I  see is that poor elves both got thrown into the wall leaving an indent in the shape of their body. He ordered two more elves to escort me to the cells where they are keeping the teenagers who are being held captive. Across the hallway I saw Santa I asked him what he was doing just sitting around? In a rather rude tone he said this is a magic proof cage smart one, so unless you have some tinsil from my first degrading movie I'm stuck. I thought to myself when did Santa become such a jerk? But then I realized he is just stressed from being taken over by Krampus. I looked over at Santa and I said I am sorry Santa I realize that you are stressed out from the previous events.I just want you to know I am here to help. 

 Between my cell and Santa's there is about a seven foot stretch. I could make easily and I assumed santa could as well. He has been around Decades longer than I have. We kept sliding a piece of paper back and forth with plans to escape. We are going to dig four holes. Two going into the floor of our cell floors, and the other ones going in to the wall. The one in the wall in my cell is a trap. The one in the floor in his cell is a trap.together we thought that is we changed it up they would be tricked because they aren't the smartest people alive. The real threat was Krampus. We waited for the guards to bring us our food so they would leave us alone for the night. The guards left the room so we couldn't see them and they couldn't see us as far as we knew. So we started digging as quietly as possible. A minute after we had started digging Santa told me to stop. There are guards coming "he says". He uses his magic to cover up the holes and makes them look the same as before we started. The two elf's opened the door and from their mouth's "one said" kid, Santa Krampus wants to talk to ya. "Sarcastically "I said" all I want from you obnoxious people is to let me sleep can you do that. NO!!! "Shouted one of the elf's" at what I assumed was at the top of his lungs. "I complained" and said well if the big bad Krampus wants us don't you think it would be smart to take us out of the cells. Suddenly in a thunderous voice down the hall Santa and I heard "That would be the case had I stayed in my chambers however look where I am" said by none other than Krampus. At the sound of the voice I felt the air het thicker or thats what it felt like and I was petrified with fear. I had never been so scared in my life. In that instant i saw a large figure step through the door way bordering the hall way and the dungeon.

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