Entry 1

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Theme: JLA Christmas Party

Optional prompt: "Ok so what did everyone get Bruce, just so we know that we didn't all get him batarang replicas like last year..."

"Ok, everyone. Gather around. Bruce is gone and this happens to be one of the only rooms he hasn't set up surveillance or bugged." Diana's authoritative voice rang out.

The tired looking Justice League came into the supply closet, cramming in uncomfortably. Barry almost sat down in a mop bucket and Clark bumped into Oliver, who then fell into a wall.

Lets just say there is now a large hole in the wall.

Once everyone was situated, Diana cleared her throat, ready to speak again.

"As I was sayi-" She was cut off by a munching sound. Everyone glared in the direction of Barry, who was stuffing potato crisps into his mouth. He looked around at everyone, as if saying 'What did I do now?'

Diana just sighed and decided that three times was a charm.

"Ok. What has everyone gotten Bruce for Christmas?" She asked, looking around at the faces.

Everyone looked at eachother and shrugged.

"Haven't figured that out yet."

"Getting there."

"Anyone have any more food?"

Diana just let her head fall into her hand, groaning in annoyance. 

"We need to figure this out! We have a week until the party." She explained. "I don't want a repeat of last year. We all got him the same exact thing."

Everyone was silent, thinking of what to get the dark knight.

"I've got an idea!"

Timeskip to the party

"Ok! Bruce, your turn to open your present from all of us!" Diana smiled brightly.

Bruce's face didn't change from his usual brooding look as he took the rectangular package from the princess of Themyscira. He opened it and immediatley glared at everyone as he pulled out a sweater with the words, "The dark and brooding Batman" sewn to his batsuit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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