Mac demarco

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Jocelyn P.O.V

It was all really pointless really, the thought of Alex. To him i was just the girl from the record store, he didnt care, i bet he gave that same wide, wonderful smile to every girl.

Alex Turner, that stupid, beautiful boy who i couldnt stop thinking about, i hardly knew him, but he wouldnt leave my thoughts. He came in everyday and bought some sort of music, and let me say he had the most amazing music taste. All i knew about him was his name, music intrests and band. But it would always be more than he knew about me. 

I stared around the store, it wasnt really that busy, it never was, you'd think this place was going down, but it somehow kept going. I liked my job, my boss, the journey. It was good, but i wanted more than this, i wanted to get out of this small place, i wanted to see the world. 

It was late now, but not late where the city wasnt alive. This place was always going, there was always something going on.

"Wanna go home early? Doesnt look like anyone's coming in at this time." Joe popped his head round the corner of the staff room. 

"Nah, i'll just stay till' the end."

"Go on! I never see you go out with your friends, go on and have a good time Joce! Live a little!" I laughed at what he said, i loved Joe, he was like a dad, he looked after me when i needed it, he was a cool guy.

"They're all probably out, but I guess i'll go home, I need to do some writing stuff."

"Alright, well you get going then, if you need anything you know where i am."

"Thanks joe." I grabbed my bag and cardigan and made my way out. It was nice to feel a fresh breeze on my face, it got stuffy alot in that little store. I looked up at the stars and smiled.  loved the sky, it was so wonderful, it was as if i was part of it, when i got lost in it. I plugged in my earphones and listened to Mac demarco, freaking out the neighbourhood came on, this was my favourite song. 

"and I know it's no fun

when your first son

gets up to no good
starts freaking out the neighborhood" I started to sing, i couldnt help but dance in a walking way, i flipping loved the man, he was the coolest guy ever. I sang along to the posotive beats and that chill vibe mac demarco made.

I continued bopping to the song when i ran into something tall and hard. I looked up quickly then looked down suddenly again. 

"Shit, im sorry, im sososososo sorry." I started picking up the things i had dropped when the stranger helped me.

"Dont worry about it, you're alright, and good song by the way. 'starts freaking out the neighbourhood. dundundundun' " He started to sing, i still hadnt looked at his face in embarassment, but his voice sounded familiar. That strong yorkshire accent. I looked up and smiled a shy smile. 

"Yeah its a good song, i love Mac Demarco." I tucked my short hair behind my ear.

"Hey, you're jocelyn right? The girl from joe's?" It felt good that he remembered me, but he was doing that smile, the perfect wide smile that made me nervous. I'd never properly spoke to him and righ now i was but it didnt feel right. 

"Yeah, yeah um I'm Jocelyn, it's nice to actually talk to you, i guess." I smiled and awkardly laughed, he laughed back as i continued to keep staring up then back down. 

"Yeah, where you off anyway?" He brushed his hair back with his hands, into a small quiff.

"Um, home?" 

"Hey, i really love this song, what's it called?" I looked up at him properly, i didnt even realise he was listening to my music. I took the other plug and listened, i loved hat song too.

"It's 'No waves' by fidlar." It's cool, well i'll catch you later, jocelyn, im glad i talked to you tonight." He handed me my bag which he had picked up for me and my earphone and walked off. 

"Oh and you might not wanna play that full blast in case you walk into something more dangerous than me!" He shouted while walking away, i looked back as he was smiling. I wish he'd stopped smiling so wonderfully. 

I stood, happy, im so glad i left early. I ran home thinking about him, i threw myself onto my matteress and lay looking up at the ceiling. He was so perfect, i wanted to be his. I loved everything about him, his voice, smile, hair, style, eyes, lips, even his butt. He was just the most precious thing. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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