Prolouge- A Dark Descent

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Ten years...

*two ponies in cloaks are running through the frozen north in worry and fear*

Since that night...

*a dark shadow forms over them and the clouds*

We saw nothing but darkness...

*the shadow forms into a large black bird with pure green eyes and screeches*

Mare- *looks in fear*

Stallion- *looks at her* Night, we need to move. NOW!!

*they both continue to run* darkness...

*the phoenix gains closer to them*

*the two activate their magic and use their cloaks to escape and disappear*

*the dark phoenix screeches and flies away*

With hardly any memories of what happened before...

*the two magically appear outside of range of The Crystal Empire breathing heavily*

Just one phrase...

*they both collapse in the snow and fall unconscious*

I love you.

*at the Crystal Empire*

Flurry/Fluffy- *babbling and cooing happily*

Cadence/Gleaming- *nuzzles them happily and kisses their cheeks* *smiles at each other warmly*

Shining/Bolero- *smiles calmly at them and looks at each other with calm smiles*

*two Crystal Guards rush in*

Male Guard/Female Guards- *bows in seriousness* Your highnesses...

Cadence/Bolero/Shining/Gleaming- *in unison* *looks at them in concern* Yes?

Female Guard- *looks at them* We found two ponies unconscious in arctic north out of the empire's boundaries. One mare and one stallion.

Bolero- *concerned* Did you retrieve them?

Male Guard- *serious* Yes, Prince Bolero.

Cadence- *concerned* Bring them to us at once.

Male/Female- *bows in respect and walks out*

Cadence/Bolero/Gleaming/Shining- *looks at each other in concern*

*a few minutes later the guards are with the unconscious cloaked mare and stallion*

Gleaming- *activates her horn* We need to get those cloaks off of them* *levitates the cloaks and looks at them* *her magic instantly drops the cloaks with her eyes shrunken in shock* *puts her hoof over her mouth* *about to cry*

Shining- *eyes are shrunken in shock* Impossible...

Cadence/Bolero- *to the guards**looks at Cadence and Bolero in worry*

*the guards leave*

Shining/Gleaming- *slowly walks over to the unconscious ponies*

Cadence/Bolero- *worried*

*the two ponies have cyan-blue coats, navy blue manes with dark blue and silver streaks, and cutie marks with a blue six pointed star with silver smaller six pointed stars surrounding it*

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