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I lay in my bed,not being able to sleep, because im nervous for tomorrow. Its finals week and i have no clue whats to come for my history final tomorrow. I was stareing at the window that lead to my balcony, the moonlight shineing through slightly lighting up a small path, i turn over slightly to see a tall figure in the corner with big yellow eyes stareing deeo into my soul and ripping it right through. I jumped and grabbed the flashlight that layed diagnally on my nightstand. I switched the light on whiped around as fast as a could and shined the light towards the creature, however it wasn't there i brushed it off thinking that its was just my brain playing tricks on me becasuse i was sleeo deprived. Keeping the flashlight in bed with me just in case. Hours have pased and i hear tapping right behind me i flipped the flashlight and truned around. The horrifiying creature stood at least 15 feet tall it was hunched over its arms were long and like stick attached to its torso. The creatures legs were bent in differnt directons, its skin looked gray and blue as if the creature was dead a few days before. It eyes were a deep neon yellow with no eyes or mouth, and in its right hand layed a large kitchen knife. I screamed and dropped the flashlight in horror. The creature with great presision swung its long and srwany arm, that held the kitchen knife, and plunged the knife right into mu chest. I gasped for air as the knife seeped deeper onto my chest, i could feel warm liquid seep out of my fresh wound, the creature stared into my eyes and decided that this wasn't good enough he ripped the kitchen all the way down my hips. Its tore open my stomach and tied me up with my own intrals. Satisfied the creature left.  As my eyes close and I fall closer to death I hear sirens faintly I smile because i know they I will be gobe before then I close my ey...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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