My best friend is gone missing Pt. 1

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Hello, Discord.

This is Mark, Amit's best friend. I hope you remember me from the prologue Amit posted, yes I read that, I'm on his account. I wish I was here to talk about how our lives were fixed, how Finn was finally gone. How Finn got what he deserved. To tell you that all of Amit's charges had been dropped. But the truth is, I'm not here for that.

I'm here to tell you that Amit has gone missing.

I haven't heard from him in little more than 2 weeks now, and his Discord activity is basically dead ever since November 29. I'm worried. He always messages me a few words to keep me updated every couple of days so I know he's safe and still on the run. But now...he's simply gone.

I've talked to Maddie (Detective Madeline), and even Celine. No one has seen or heard from him in a while.

Let me fill you in on what I know.

A week ago, I realized I hadn't heard from him in awhile. I texted him, and got no response. I sent him an encrypted message through an online messenger that we use for really, really important conversations. Nothing. I looked at his Discord activity in the servers we shared. Absolutely nothing.

The last time I saw him he was typing on his Discord account was him chatting to some people and he requested for someone experienced to break through the encryption on Finn's hard drive. Finn's hard drive holds a lot of information. We could use all of that information to remove any suspicions on us and any possible warrants in the future. Not in a manipulating sense.

You may be wondering how I'm posting using Amit's discord account. He never shared the password with me. Let me explain the timeline of events until the present.

After I checked his Discord activity and tried to contact him through all other normal and abnormal ways, I went to see Detective Madeline. I asked her whether she'd heard from Amit recently. She told me that the last time they'd talked was on the 30th of November. They'd met together with one of Maddie's lawyer friends to discuss Amit's legal problems.

Maddie had also "borrowed" the hard drive once it came back from the lab and given it to Amit when they met. The lab was unable to salvage any useful data, as far as Maddie knows.

While I was there, I asked her where Amit stood from a legal standpoint. This is how I understand Amit's current situation.

Amit had been previously charged with aiding a kidnapping (this one is a huge lie by Finn, he was the one which did this but was able to pin it on Amit), arson, manslaughter for Finn's mom, resisting arrest, credit card fraud, bank fraud, theft of personal property, and unlawful possession of Finn's medical records. I think that's everything. It's been a week since I talked to Maddie, so I might have some parts wrong.

It was a lot of charges, and only four have been dropped: aiding a kidnapping, theft of personal property, arson, and manslaughter. Three of those charges were dropped as a result of the GoPro footage we turned in as evidence. The theft of personal property was dropped because the prosecutor didn't feel he could successfully convince a jury without Finn's testimony.

I'm pretty pissed off that the other charges are still being held against him.

The credit card companies and Amit's bank had done their own investigations and have filed criminal charges against him for frauds. This was because the information provided to them while filing for a credit card was so complete and so accurate that they didn't believe someone other than Amit could have filled out the form, makes me shiver. Fucking hell, Finn... The electronic submissions also came from his laptop.

Not sure on how to get around the medical records charge.

He is also being newly charged with voluntary murder for shooting Finn. Maddie's lawyer friend is convinced that a jury could be persuaded to call him innocent on this charge, but only if he turns himself in. The sooner he turns himself in, the less guilty he looks. The camera evidence I gave them should still help prove that it was in self defense. Alternatively, Maddie's friend is worried that the video will prove that we set a trap for Finn, proving malicious intent.

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