Part 1

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Author's note: This incident took place when Nigel got himself caught by the police after the murder of the Blighter. To be honest, I was itching to write a fanfic, despite not playing Syndicates, so correct me if I get any of the character wrong. Please enjoy! :D

"Claudia, I need your help." Evie Frye called out to me as I was wiping my gun clean. Turning to one of the Rooks' founders, I cocked my head in question.

"Why, the great Evie Frye, with her composed head and mild-mannered attitude, requires my help?" I teased her with a raised eyebrow. "Shall Jacob turn out to be a dear angel tomorrow, as well?"

The brunette groaned loudly. "If only those can help me now. But yes, this, er, task, does involve Jacob."

The image of the cap-wearing man popped up in my head. He was a dashing man, akin to his troublesome way of managing stuff. He wasn't bad, but I'd rather not associate myself with him further than our 'professional' relationship. "This is the first time you want me to do something related to him..."

"I know." She averted her gaze away. "But Nigel's got himself tied up in one of the bloody Templar's hideout, he's being held by the police, and I don't need Jacob to complicate it.

"Ahh. Nigel Bumble was a good fellow, if not for his knack of trouble. The young lad had previously been tangled in a lot of Templar feuds, and yet both Jacob and Evie thought of him fondly, as if he was their little brother. And I understood her concerns; knowing Jacob, he'd probably take on all the police with those brass knuckles. "Okay... so what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Well, in short, I want you to keep watch over him." She blurted out so suddenly that my gun slipped and clanked against the wooden table.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Claudia, listen to me first." Evie came over to me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Evie, he's twenty-one." I said in exasperation. "He's perfectly capable of taking care of himself."

"I'm not asking you to feed him like a baby. Just make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble."

"That's even worse!!"


Jacob entered the hideout with his signature mischievous grin on his face. Judging from his slightly swaying walk, he probably just chugged down a few beers down the alley. He noticed me at the desk, cleaning up my supplies. " 'Eyy, Claudiaaaa. What you doin'...?"

"Jacob, you're no southern. Stop it." I slid my hidden blades under my sleeves, hoping he didn't notice my stiffened body. 

The tall, broad man sauntered over and plopped down right in front of me. He had his molten chocolate eyes trained on me, sharp as a hawk. "My dearest sister actually gave me the... *hic* ... permission... to enjoy myself at the tavern. You have any idea why's that, Claudia?"

By the name of the Brotherhood, I'm going to kill Evie myself after she returns for doing this to me.

"I... see." I stupidly said. "Well, she IS rather gracious these days."

Bloody hell; I'm a trained assassin, not a performer

Jacob laid his head on the table, and his cap rolled away. " 'Sthat so. Have you seen her around, then?"

"Um, no."

"Really?"His piercing gaze hit me, and I stumbled inwardly. "R-really... aren't you two always together, anyway?"

He roared with laughter at that, and I found myself appreciating the laughing lines around his mouth. That's a pretty sight.

Wait, what?

"I really hope that older sister of mine doesn't set off anywhere on her own without me... it's been boring around here after we got back the area."

Oh no. Quick, Claudia, think.

Out of ideas, I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. "Well then! Why don't we embark on a 'fun' journey, then?"

-to be continued-

p/s: you can't spell assassin without ass, sass, and sin. like jacob, ayyy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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