Chapter 1: Arrival

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(Kyle's P.O.V)

        "Kyle, honey wake up." whispered a serene voice. My eyes fluttered open to see my mother standing over me. Her blonde hair cascading down her back, blue eyes piercing,  and smile white as ever. " We're here at Minotious Academy."
Quickly unbuckling my seat belt I hopped out the car and stared the academy over. It was huge! Well huge is an understatement,  but it was beautiful as well. It had courtyards full off students practicing their abilities and just hanging out.

" Wow" I whispered. It was all I could think of to describe the spectacle before me.

        " Kyle, give me a hug" My mom cried. I walked to her and just rested in her arms as we both cried. I didn't want to leave her,  but it was mandated that all kids who developed powers had to go to a school to learn how use them. My mom looked down at me her eyes red and laden with tears. " Be good and don't forget to call every once in a while."

        " I will mom." I whimpered. We finished our embrace and I began to walk through the big gates of the academy. Once through I began to look tor the front office so I could receive my dorm number and my class schedule.

        "Look Out!" Yelled a strong male voice. I had no time to react and barely saw as an orange ball flew towards me and hit the ground beneath. It exploded and sent me hurtling backwards into a stone wall. The breath was knocked from body on impact, but otherwise I was fine only bruised a little." Are you okay?!" asked an extremely worried boy.

        "I'm fine" I answered. The boy wiped a strand of his golden Blonde hair out of his face and stared at me in disbelief.

" Ok just making sure" He said with relieved sigh. "I'm Thomas by the way,"

"Nice to meet you Thomas" I said.  "The name's Kyle." Thomas put his hand out in which I firmly grabbed and helped me up. I gathered my bags and asked Thomas were the the Front office was. He pointed towards a big building to the east of were we stood. After waving goodbye I began to make my way to the office. Upon entrance a woman with gray hair looked up and beckoned me over.

"What can I do for you?" asked the nice old lady.

"I'm new here so I came to get my schedule and my dorm assignment." I Explained.

"Ok name?" she asked.

"Kyle Bergeron." I answered.

        "Nice to meet you Kyle." Sh said as she searched through a folder on her computer. "I'm the assistant principle of the school Mrs. Wiolla" Mrs. Wiolla handed me a red paper that had my dorm number,my schedule, and a key to my dorm.

        "Thanks Mrs.Wiolla!" I said as I ran out the door.I found the building that held the boy dorms some ways away. I took a quick look at my paper to see what dorm I had. " So dorm 215." I took the elevator to the second floor and walked until I found the dorm and stuck my key in and unlocked it. The first thing I noticed about the room was all the punk-rock posters that hung on the wall.

"And who are you?" asked an obviously angry boy.

        "I-I'm your n-new roommate, Kyle." I stuttered. The last thing I want to do is anger this guy even more he is scary enough already.

        The boy face softened almost immediately. " Look kid I didn't mean to scare you, but next time knock before bargin into someone you've never met room." Said the boy.  " My names Blake by the way don't put anything weird on the walls."

"What do you mean weird?" I asked slightly irritated.

        "All I'm saying is nothing how should I put this nerdy  or adorable." Smiled Blake. A frown immediately spread across my face causing Blake to burst out laughing.

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