Chapter One: Ice Cream

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It was a Summer afternoon. The sun was extremely hot. Everyone wanted only one thing in the entire world. Ice cream. The cone, the only ice cream parlor in the small town, was packed! The cone was a very popular place in the summer.

It even had an indoor playground. Kids were all over the playground climbing the netting and sliding down the slide, head first. They were like animals! Which is exactly why Nora Peterson wanted to go home. "Can we go home now?" she asked her mother. "Not yet, Noah is still playing. Why don't you go play with him?" her mother answered. Nora just gave her a look. Everyone knew that Nora didn't have much of an imagination. She was more into math and history. Instead of playing video games she would go to the library and read. She would get from five to seven books a time. She would return them next week.

The librarian, Ms. Ross, and Nora were very good friends. Actually, Ms. Ross was one of Nora's only friends. The other students at her school always made fun of her and called her names like "Book-brain,". She told no one about this because she was too embarrassed. She would come home crying. Her mother would ask her what happened but all she answered was "I don't wanna talk about it,". Then she ran to her room. She would read her books until she calmed down. "I just want to go home," Nora whined, "It's way too crowded here,". "Fine, we can go home, if you can convince your brother to leave," Nora's mother replied with a smirk. Nora just frowned. She started to turn toward the door. "I'm going to the library," she groaned. The library was just right across the street from The Cone, so her mom knew that she would be fine going alone "Ok, but be home by five," her mom replied. Nora walked out of the busy ice cream parlor and started to walk toward the library.

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