Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Mousesitting?

Tori absentmindedly stared at the powder sugar like snow falling down from the sky as her biology teacher, Mr. Bowen talked about something she didn't really pay much attention to.

"Victoria Levine please come here." Mr Bowen announced.

"Victoria Levine!" He shouted this time making his little fly look a tad to tight.


"Mrs. Levine can't you hear me?!" This time he pulled her out if her train of thoughts bringing her back from her nice dreamland. The said girl stood up and nervously strolled up to him wondering if she would get a detention slip or an extra worksheet to do.

So now you can imagine how surprised she was, when all what he did was to angrily shove two mice into her hands. Tori just looked blankly down at them wondering if she had to babysit, or in this case mousesit the two mice of mr. Bowen as her punishment. But shoved the thought away when she saw Cassandra sitting in the front row (like always) with her eyes basically glued to mr. Bowen's lips, taking in each single word and quickly jotting it down on her notebook, as if her dear life would depend on it. There at her side was a mouse cage with two mice just like hers and some mouse food (which to Tori's surprise did not consist of cheese) at the left of it.

Cassandra was much to much into the rules to get punished in any way even if it would just be a scowl from the teacher directed at her she would break down into a fit of tears. So she figured out that the mice weren't a punishment.

"And your partner will be Luke Carter." What?! Partner for what? And why him? Tori had thousand questions flying around in her head, but she didn't voice them, since that would blow her cover and let Mr. Bowen know that she wasn't listening in the slightest bit. To her relief Luke also wasn't.

Tori slowly walked back to her seat assuming that she had gotten everything she needed, but was cut off as Mr. Bowen spoke up again.

"Why are you walking away, Mrs. Levine?"

"So I take it that this wasn't my queue to leave?" She asked, or more like stated, hastily scrambling up again.

"No." Tori quickly snatched the bag filled with mouse food he held out for her, this time waiting for him to tell her to sit down.

"You may sit down now." he muttered almost inaudible.


"Ewww! They call that food?" Serene picked around in her food looking utmost disgusted.

"Here you can have my second sandwich." With a swift toss the sandwich landed in Serene's lap. Serene mumbled something along the lines of thank you, but it was muffled due to the sandwich she was already stuffing down her throat.

"Serene, what do you know about Luke Carter?" Tori inquired eager to find out about her biology partner.

"Well," She gulped down her last bit of sandwich before she went back to her thinking mode."He is the hottest guy in this school, popular, jock, womanizer, Quarterback, had lots of girlfriend and even more one night stands... You know this typical bad boy. Do you want to know something else?" Serene asked looking at the deep blue orbs of her best friend until something clicked."why do you even want to know this?"

"Oh, he is my biology partner."

"For what project?" Serene twisted a strain of her dirty blond hair in her finger, examining it for any sign of split ends.

"Well I kind of didn't really pay much attention to mr. Bowen when he told us what to do, but I know that it has something to do with these little fellows." Tori took the mouse-cage presenting it to her best friend.

"Help! These t-t-things were here all the time?" Serene's green eyes were as big as saucer's as she tried to scramble away but instead she just banged into the tree she was leaning against.

"Calm down, Rene out of all the animals you choose to be scared of mice?!" Tori managed to get out between sobs of laughing.

"Hey, I didn't choose anything, god did." She sternly replied, folding her arms together and bringing them to chest level.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny and the people are already staring at us as if we would belong in a nuthouse!"

"Yeah they are staring because of me." Tori jokingly said while finishing up her sandwich to and then returned to class with Serene.


So this is my third story on wattpad😊😀🎉

I hope you liked it and very important;






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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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