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John gulped down his beer, laughing with his friends. All was going good, and they were all drunk. Lafayette dragged Herc off to the bathroom, leaving Alexander and John. "H-hey Lex, do you ever think that you'll ever like Jefferson?" John hicupped. Alex's face contorted with distgust. "Hell no, he's the devil. I hate him. I don't care if he fights with us in the trenches. I don't want you going near him, OK?" Alex snarled. John flinched, "Ok..." He said quietly, sipping his drink.

As if on cue, the devil himself walked in, he was by himself. Thomas spotted John and smiled softly, heading over. "Oh geez..." Alex huffed. Thomas sat down in Lafayette's empty seat next to John. "Hey, John, how are you-" Jefferson was cut off by Alex. "Leave, and don't talk to him." He demanded. "Don't be so sour, Hamilton, i'm just trying to make conversation..." Thomas narrowed his eyes slightly. "Leave..." Alex growled. John's eyes shifted between the two and he shuffled in his seat nervously, feeling the tension rising. "I'm not leaving. Now if you don't mind, i'm trying to be nice to you and your friends." Thomas replied through gritted teeth.

Alex shot up from his seat, throwing his glass at Jefferson. Glass shattered everywhere and even cut John. Jefferson growled and pulled a shard of glass out of his eyebrow. "That wasn't very nice, Hamilton." He scolded, standing up. Alex flipped the table onto its side and lunged at Thomas. John fell back off his stool and tried wiping the blood away from the large gash in his cheek. Lafayette and Hercules quickly ran out of the bathroom, eyes wide, clothes disheveled and their hair messy. Lafayette tried to separate the two as Herc nursed John.

John got up and ran out with Hercules hot on his tail, Thomas and Alex saw him leaving and tried to follow, but Lafayette held them back. Stepping out into the crisp December air, John took a few deep and shaky breaths, feeling the blood gush down his cheek and ruin his mint sweater. His black jeans were dusty from the floor. "What happened? Who started it?" Herc asked softly. "Alex started it..." John replied, shifting from foot to foot.

Thomas left the bar and John turned quickly. After seeing him, John hugged the taller male tightly. Herc smiled fondly as Jefferson hugged him back. "I'm sorry..." John whispered quietly. "It's alright, none of that was your fault." The glass sticking out of John's left cheek poked Jefferson's chest, confusing the taller male. Pulling back, Thomas paled. "J-John, your cheek..." He whispered, gently rubbing the blood with his thumb. "I'm gonna go get Lafayette..." Herc announced.

"It's fine... Really..." John smiled, the glass making it hard. "You need to get that out, baby..." Thomas said softly, John blushed at the name. "I'll get Lafayette to do it later..." He said, gently grabbing Thomas's hand and leading it to his waist, where the other one was. "He is a good medic..." Thomas mumbled. "Isn't he your cousin or something?" John asked. "Yeah, he is, we both look similar though, well... His eyes are hazel, mine are brown..." Thomas shrugged, holding John tighter. "And he's got a French accent and you have a Virginian one..." John added. "And that, yeah." Thomas laughed.

John felt his heart flutter at the sweet noise, laughing along. Thomas felt his heart do the same when Laurens joined in on the humour. Lafayette came out, and was roughly dragging Alex behind him. "Cousin! I'm terribly sorry about our friends behaviour... Would you like a ride home?" He asked softly. "Of course, thanks." Thomas smiled, Alex scoffed, crossing his arms. "Actually, can he stay at ours? We have a spare room..." John piped up. "No!" "Of course he can stay, if he wants to..." Lafayette smiled, they ignored Alex's protests.

"I'll stay." Thomas smiled, almost everyone cheered and they set off for the car. John sat in the middle of Thomas and Alex. Herc was driving and Lafayette was in the passenger seat. John clung onto Thomas's arm, and Jefferson didn't mind this. Alex, on the other hand, didn't want the two making any contact. He kept quiet though. The radio hummed softly and John wrapped Thomas's arm around him, fiddling with his slender fingers. Thomas stared out the window as John toyed with his hand, watching the street lights pass. He could feel Alex's angry glares and glances, but didn't do anything about them.

Thomas felt John intertwine their fingers, his eyes flickered down to their hands. Somewhat smiling, he saw Laurens dozing off. Holding him tighter, he allowed John to sleep, cuddled up to his side. He heard Hamilton's growls, but kept ignoring them. Staring out of the window, Thomas looked up at the streetlights that flashed as they passed. Lafayette twisted around to examine John's cheek. Alex started speaking to Lafayette in French, and Thomas tuned in. (the french is gonna be in this font because i can't translate all of this)

"Does he have to stay? I really don't like him." Alex stated. Lafayette kept trying to look for the best possibility to remove the glass from John's cheek, ripping it out would tear the muscle. "Yes. John requested it, and he's happy to." The Frenchman replied calmly. "But i'm not happy with it, and i'm not too sure on Herc. I'm so close to ripping his throat out. AND I don't like it when he touches John." Alexander snapped, Lafayette sighed and cautiously pulled on the glass, but didn't get any luck with it. "You do know that Thomas can speak French too, right?"

Alexander stared at Thomas, dumbfounded, and Thomas simply glanced at him with a bland look. "Okay! We're here, who's grabbing John?" Hercules piped up. Lafayette sat back, "Wait... Did we just drive here, drunk?" The Frenchman questioned, Hercules smiled, "Yeah! I'm awesome!" He beamed. Lafayette shook his head.

"I'll get John." Both Thomas and Alex replied sharply. They glanced at eachother and Alex got ready to rip into the taller male. "I'LL get John." Lafayette snapped, getting out of the car. "Good idea..." Herc mumbled, getting out with Alex. Thomas shifted out of the seat, scooping the unconscious man up into his arms. Lafayette carefully tucked his arm under Laurens's knees and pulled his head close to his chest, cradling the younger male. "Herc, hun, can you unlock the door please?" Lafayette asked softly. "Course."

Once everyone was gathered inside, Alex stormed off, slamming his bedroom door behind him. Thomas looked uneasy. "Don't let his anger disturb you, cousin. We should all try and relax." Lafayette's peaceful aroma soothed the tension in the room, and Thomas's tense state went lax. "Well... What about John's cheek?" Herc piped up. "I'll take care of him. Let's just watch TV and we can all have fun. Maybe Lex will come down and apologise?" Hercules snorted at the idea. "Good luck with that." Lafayette gave him a stern look, and Hercules paled slightly. "I mean yeah, he might. It's a high possibility..."

A few hours later, John had a plaster on his cheek and was wearing one of Lafayette's pastel blue sweaters. His black jeans were gone and he was relaxed in his boxers and the oversized shirt. Lafayette was relaxed with his back pressed to Hercules's side, John sleeping in his arms. Herc's arm was curled around Lafayette's chest and Thomas sat on the floor. "Are you sure you want to sit there?" Herc asked, and Thomas hesitated. "Uh.. Yeah, yeah. No, it's fine. I'm comfy." The virginian stammered slightly. "No your not, cousin. Sit by John's legs." Lafayette chimed in.(like haven't you people ever heard of, closing the god damn door?) Thomas did as he was told, lifting the youngest male's legs and settling under his smaller limbs. John stirred at the sudden movement and lifted his head to see Thomas was the one who moved him. He gave the virginian a sleepy smile and moved from Laf's arms to Thomas's.

Alex tip-toed down the stairs, his friends, and Thomas, were all asleep on the couch. The tv was cycling through different ads. The short male shook John's shoulder. The boy stirred in his arms and looked at Alex, confused and tired. "Lex? What time is it?" He asked quietly as his best friend helped him get untangled from Thomas's arms and stand up. "2:30 am." Alex responded, leading John through to the kitchen and out the backdoor of the house. "What are we doing, Lex? It's freezing..." John mumbled.

"I have something I want to tell you..." Alex replied, holding John's hands and pulling him in so their chests were pressed together. John's cheeks flushed and heat crawled up his neck. "Lex?" He whispered as his best friend leaned their foreheads together. They were quiet as Alexander screwed his eyes shut and mustered up the courage to explain why he wanted to talk to the smaller male.

"I love you John... And I have for a few years. When you first spoke to me, I forgot my dang name and I fell so hard for you..." Alex whispered, peeling open his eyes. John was stunned as he stared into Alex's soft brown eyes. "I-I'm flattered, Lex... I didn't know... But I'm gonna have to decline. I like someone else... I'm sorry..." John replied, keeping his tone soft and understanding. "W-what? W-who-.... Who do you like?!" Alex pushed John away, hurt in his eyes. "I-I can't say... I'll see you in the morning, Lex..." John whispered as he entered the house.

Alexander felt tears prick his eyes. He wasn't expecting John to tell him that he liked another person. He ran past John and Lafayette, and crashed through his door, slamming and locking it. Alex flopped down onto his bed, and sobbed and screamed into his pillow, until he fell asleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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