The boy I love

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Your back. Why do I get the feeling that you didn't miss me? I could be overreacting as I always do. But I can't stand the thought of losing you. Ask anyone and they'll tell you how much i've missed you. But no one will know how much I missed you apart from me. You asked if I missed you. I told you I did. I just want you to be here. I hate not knowing whether or not tomorow we'll be together or not. I don't know if you know either. While you were away, I stayed up late and wrote how I felt, I wished you were with me, wished you would come online. You didn't though. God, it's so hard. I got asked yesterday if i'm always this paranoid in relationships. I said I wasn't but with you it's different. The night we broke up, I knew something was up. Part of me wishes I had made you tell me what was wrong. But if I hadn't then we wouldn't be right. You slowly reassure me that you want to be with me but then I go to bed and I get up and its a cycle all over again. Writing this makes me notice the insecurities I have but when your with me they all go. we don't talk much but do we really need to? We have our own language. I know when theres something up with you most of the time. I don't know if you know if somethings up with me but I'm a drama queen so I can hide it 9/10. All I want you to know is that I love you. That's been the ending sentence to most of my blogs about you. I LOVE YOU.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 ⏰

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