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Hey there, I'm Jackie. Jackie Donavan. I'm your average girl. I'm 18, 19 in January, I have medium length brown hair, I'm about 5'5 so average height, I have blue eyes, and have a decent body, the only fat I have is some stomach pudge. I live in Massachusetts and live a pretty normal life. I live with my parents and am working at a full time job to make enough money for my own apartment. Although I'm making decent money, I do have to work a second part-time job to qualify for a decent apartment. My full time job is at a trampoline park which it pretty fun, except when kids are just plain disrespectful. My part time job is helping around at the barn I ride horses at. I go every Saturday and Sunday morning to muck stalls, feed horses, and sometimes help with lessons. I've been riding for 10 years now so I'm able to teach beginners. As you can tell I don't get a lot of time to myself other than the occasional day off from the trampoline park so I don't have a lot of friends. I do have three though, Katie, Cami, and Julia. I'll go into detail about them later. The last thing I'm going to tell you before we begin is that I have a small youtube channel. It has just over 5,000 subscribers so I try to keep a decent video schedule. I get one day off a week from the trampoline park so I use those days to film, edit, and upload videos. Also doing other essential things but I'll explain those later too. Alright well I'm sure you want to know how I ended up meeting the love of my life so I'll just stop talking and start off where it all started. The day my parents told me they were getting a divorce.

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