I Can't

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AN: This story contains spoilers for Star Wars the Last Jadi.So if you have watched the movie or don't care for spoilers please continue, but you have been warned.

This is base on the since where Kylo is asking Rey to join him after they have taken down the guards together.
with that on with the story.
Reading, and I hope you enjoy it.

His hand is out waiting for mine. His eyes begging for me to take his hand, such beautiful eyes full of sadness and betrayals.

I desperately want to take his hand, but if I do I'll be turning my back on the Resistance, on my friends. "I can't," I say barely above a whisper, but he still hears me.

"Ok, I understand," Kylo is trying to be cool with it, but his voice and eyes betray him, showing how heartbroken he is by my refusal. His hand slowly goes down and he avoids further eye contact.

It's a good minute before either one of us speak, unsure of what to do now. Kylo is the one that breaks the silence looking me straight in the eyes. "Just, would you tell me why? When we work together so well?" he gestures to the highly trained guards that are aimlessly laying around the room.

"Why?" is all Kylo says. I can see it in his eyes a spark of hope.

"Be-because without them I would have never left Jakku. And I would never betray my friends," I say, my voice is stronger on the last part, trying my hardest to make it clear to Kylo (and myself) that I will not betray my friends.

"Is that the only problem you have, because it would be betraying your friends?" Kylo ask once again looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yes," I say a bit too quick for my own liking, but it was true that was my only reason for saying no.

Kylo’s eyes light up with hope and longing. He smiled and took out a communicator from his pocket. “General Hux, please call off the barrage on the carriers,”

Over the communicator comes "Pardon, you do realise that the whole of the Resistance is in those ships, right? We have the perfect opportunity to wipe the rebel faction out for good, and you want us to stop?"

"That is what I said," Kylo said to the communicator. "Now, stop firing on the carriers."

"Now," Kylo says putting his hand out, locking eyes with me. "Will you join me?"

I take his hand.

He pulls me into a kiss, and I kiss back.  

AN: Big thanks to my Freind  Maddi for helping edit, I hope you enjoyed it  

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