Nightmare x Ink

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If you are uncomfortable with the following, you should most likely leave, but if you're someone who doesn't care or have balls please carry on with want you're doing.

Rape, oviposition, forced pergancy, and well tentacls since it's Nightmare.

No one's p.o.v

Darkness nothing but darkness filled the seemingly endless room, but there was just the smallest sight of a silhouette lyed upon what might've been a large bed.

Though unmoving for the most part, it wasn't long until the body started to toss around on the bed, and not so long after them tossing back and fourth on the bed, did they finaly began to wake up.

Once the two bright eyes fully opened, did they begin to dart around the dark room looking for any insight that may of hinted as to where they are.
Though wide and changing shape and color with each blink, did they finaly rest in one place.

But don't be fooled by the calm like state they may seem to be in, because on closer inspection, could the fast and heavy intakes of air betray their owners state of mind.

Though what might've been hours to the being that's in the dark was only minutes to another whose steps could be heard coming down stone steps, and with the loud noise that came from a door opening.

With the door opening at last, light had came with it, lighting up the once dark and gloomy room to where one could now see.

The one who had opened the door, turned out to be none other than Nightmare, the dark being who is leader to the dark sanses,
and the god of both nightmares and negetive feelings.

With a chuckle, he walked over to the small body who's been layed down with his arms straped down the whole time since he got here.

"Well, well, well, seems like little Inky had finaly decided to wake up from their nice slumber." Nightmare had said in a mockish tone.

"N-Nightmare? W-hy am I h-ere and why does my he-ead feel like it's being pounded?" Ink asked in a fearful tone.

"The pounding of the head is just a after effect of the drug, and because I need you for something."

"Wait you dr-rug me! And what do you want me for? Ink cried out, not so sure he wanted to know what was instore for him as Nightmare had gotten much closer to him than before, amd was slightly patting the side pf his face.

Nightmare didn' say anything else as he had decided to stop with the small talk and get on with his fun, he first went to a table that all shorts of things layed out on it. But Nightmare only a metal long rod and rope.

With the items in hand, he walked to the end of the bed where Ink's feet had been before attaching the rod to a metal chain that Ink hadn't notice that had been above him until now.
After that, Nightmare to grap Ink's feet but had been kicked at once his hand had made contact.

Though a bit of a struggle, Nightmare had at last succed at tieing the others feet at oppastit ends of the rod, which in total made Ink's upper body ly down on the bed while his lower half was raised up in the air with his legs spread out letting Nightmare have full view of the uncovered artist.

Ink whimpered from the thoughts that were going though his head, he was scared frightened even from the mear thought of what Nightmare was going to do to him.

Nightmare seeing the look on the other's face sent jolts of aorusle down his bones, and without futherado, he begun to strip himself of his clothing and tossing them to the side.

He let a smirk show on his face when he saw Ink's eyes travel from the tentacles that are at the ready, all the way down to the large pulsing member that stood eract and leaking, and with a thougty leauth, he brung one of his hamds down towards his member as he gaved it a few quick tugs.

"Please I beg of you Nightmare don't do this to me please don't ! Ink begged but Nightmare would have none of it as he walked towards Ink's face, and plunging one of his tendils into his mouth, so as to keep the other quite.

Ink let out a gaged sob when the tendril went into his mouth, he started to tear up when he seen and felt the other tentacles poke and prod at his body.

While Nightmare's tentacles were wraping around Ink's upper body, his hands foumd their ways to the Ink's pelvis and was rubbing at them, trying to get Ink to form something.

"Summon a pussy and body Ink" Nightmare said, as he waited for the other to do as so but getting nothing.

"I said summon an pussy and body for me Ink or else." Nightmare threatned.

When that didn't seem to work, he instead comanding it agin had just had a tendril grip around one of the other's rib and was twisting at each passing secound.

Ink was in pain as his rib was being twisted,he tried to hold on for as long as he could, but was unable once the rib had brokened off, making Ink give in to what Nightmare told him to do.

Finaly getting the body that he had wanted, he begun his work on the smaller being.
He got between Ink's legs with his large goopie member, lightly tracieing the outer folds of Ink's pussy.

Without a care for the other, he thrusted all the way into Ink, not giving him any time to adjust to his size, he began a fast and brutle paste on Ink.
Pulling out to where only the tip would still be inside before thrusting all the way back in, to where Nightmare was going balls deep.

While Ink on the other hand, was sent over the edge from how painful it was for him, with each thrust into him, he felt blood sleap out lubing up Nightmare's dick, and each cries of pain that couldn't fully excape his gagged mouth as he cried.

But as one was feeling nothing but pain the other felt nothing but sick pleasure at the pain former felt.
Nightmare let out deep groans at the feeling of Ink's pussy clench around his member, and it wasn't much long later that he had cumed in the other's pussy, filling him up as Ink gaved a muffle cry from the feeling.

As Nightmare slowly pulled out, Ink felt happy that it was over with, but how wrong he was to think that because as soon as Nightmare pulled his member out, a tendril slamed right into his already abused pussy and another entering his ass also.

Right after the two new tentacles entered Ink, one in his ass and mouth started a fast and unmercyful paste, while the one in his pussy was more gental than the others.
Which Ink was thankful for, but it was still painful for him since the one in his ass teared him up making him bleed from their, the one in his mouth was both uncomfotable and painful since some of it would go down his thowt making him losse much needed air.

But not long after did the tendril in his rear exit, which he was happy for but that was soon taken from him as he felt large and round come out of the tendril that's in his pussy.

Confuse as to what it could be, Ink lifted his head as much as he could to look at his stomach. What he saw shocked him, it was an egg, why, why was Nightmare doing this to him he wondered as he again began to struggle away from the tendril but giving up soon after.

Ink shivered each and every time another egg entered him, he didn't want to look at his stomach after the first time, but when he look at it when he started to have a boalting and heavy feeling, made his eyes go wide at the sight before him.

His stomach was enlarge from the number of eggs that where inside of him, he felt like he would brust if any more were to enter him but that didn't stop them.
He glanced over at Nightmare to see his face in the total of it all, and what he saw was a sick look of acimplishment, no matter how much he wanted to shout at him and what not, he was unable to because of being to exuated and the tentacle that's still in his mouth.

When Nightmare felt the last of his eggs leave him, he pulled out the remaining tentacles that were still in him and letting out a puff of air as Ink took in large breaths of air for himselfe as to replenish what had been lost.

"Heh...You know Ink after you have my young, I may just keep you for myself." Nightmare said as he began to untie Ink and get in bed beside him as he closed his eyes.

All that Ink could mutter was a small why before passing out.

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