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No ones POV:

The avengers sat lazily in the meeting room, waiting for Thor to show up with his psychotic brother. Tony felt a pang of excitement deep within his chest. Nat felt unease. Steve felt ready to purify the god. Clint felt a stable feeling with which he couldn't put his finger on. Bruce felt worried for the whole situation.

A light surrounded the room, causing the avengers to cover their eyes. After the light dimmed down, they could see Loki and Thor clearly now.

Tony's POV:

I took a moment to actually fill take Loki's appearance in. His long hair curled at the ends, his green eyes shone with thousands of emotions, his porcelain skin shone with no spots, his small figure actually had a decent amount of muscle on it- cleverly hidden by the several layers, his thin lips never chapped, his skin never red, his hands were never dirty.

The man was extraordinary in many ways. Before I had time to think about it, I gestured to the chair next me. He looked at me sceptically. Fury- who had been silent all this time- said one word, "Sit." He did so. Loki sat down with elegance, unlike Thor, yet he was still considered the rude one. Loki looked around without moving his head. He took his time to take every detail about everything in. He looked at each of us for more than a few seconds. Profiling us with his very own mind. Fury looked at Thor then to Loki. Loki looked back at him. His hands wrapped together, fingers slotting into the opposites neatly. His nails were long but not too long yet not short. They had no loose bits of skin on his fingers and his nails shimmered in the cheap meeting rooms light.

"Why must we look after Loki again?" Fury asked with no emotions but anger. 
"Because I have asked nicely and you agreed."
"Remind me Thor, what did your brother do?"
"He did not  do anything. He was being controlled."
This time Fury had no words to say. He covered his shock and glared at Thor.
Fury looked at me and calmly said, "Will you kindly take our guest to his room?" Fury smiled falsely. Loki was looking at his hands, holding his under-sleeves down as to not reveal much skin. I nodded and stood up. Loki then only just started fluctuating on what we were saying. He stood up graciously but quickly. I opened the door and he followed me out. In an awkward silence, we made it upstairs to the living quarters. I walked down the corridor with Loki by my side. "So what you here for?" I asked, trying to make conversation. He looked at me, and in that one second of silence and calmness he didn't seem as fierce and scary and tall as he used to. He seemed to have shrunk, looking at me with worry, confusion and panic in his eyes. I looked at him, he responded. "I have been falsely accused of luring a citizen of Asgard to their death." I looked at him intensely and stopped, he stopped as I did.

"Haven't you any evidence to prove otherwise?"
"Yes but they are witnesses. Odin has managed to scare them into lying."
"Why would he do that to his son?"
"Because I am not his son but the blood of a Jotun."
I began thinking about where I had heard that term from. When I looked back at Loki, he was looking at me. Excerpt it wasn't Loki. Not anymore.

He had piercing red eyes and calm blue skin with black lines patterning them.

He had piercing red eyes and calm blue skin with black lines patterning them

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It was stunning yet scary at the same time. He looked at me, head tilted, not blinking. I didn't know how to respond.
"Jotun. A frost giant. Giants that have the ability to control ice and cold. Laufey. The king of Jotunheim. The land of the frost giants. Loki Laufeyson. Not Odinson." Loki explained matter-of-factly.

"That means you're prince?" I asked.
"King." He corrected.
"Laufey died."
"Slain by the hands of Odin. He sliced his throat and left him to die in front of my cell. I had to watch and know nothing that I could have done would save him."

Emotions laced Loki's words.
"Why?" I asked once again. The curiosity eating away at me.
"Because Jotuns can not be loved." Loki said, looking down with shame in his eyes. I silently opened the door behind me, pulling Loki in. I kissed him. He was cold but not alarmingly. He kissed back. And I whispered in his ear. "Well Jotun can be loved. And I'll show that man who calls himself a father that people can love the frost giants." I rested my head against Loki's. In the dark, I could make out that he was back to normal. He nodded, a tear slipping down his cheek. I brought him in for another kiss. For some reason it felt right. It felt right to love Loki out of all people.

And I was glad that I hadn't chosen someone else.

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