lose my mind.

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inspired by 'kiss me before i fucking lose my mind' charlie puth

Mixed emotions washed over Evies body as she stood in the very hideout that brought back many memories of life before Auradon, confusing memories that left Evie not sure whether to miss or be glad it had passed.
Stood before her was a lost looking purple haired girl, the very one that had run away without saying goodbye, that made Evies heart thrash about.
"You didn't have to do this, Ben loves you the real you Mal" Evie spoke as she observed the beauty in front of her that didn't meet her gaze, looking painfully into the distance. The sight caused a heart drop and Evie gulped-I love the real you.
She knew her heart had fallen to the knees of Mal, her best friend that she cared for so deeply it hurt, the girl that had stolen her heart without her even releasing until now.
Mal sighed, green eyes meeting red brown and Evie desperately tried to search the green, but lost at trying to find emotions behind the glazed look.
"I did Evie, you really don't understand" Mal finally responded, causing the blue haired girl to drop her gaze.

Frustration filled the designers bones yet she shook her head taking a deep breath. A breath in preparation to getting lost in the forest of the green eyes once more.
"Explain then, why did you leave, without telling me, and Carlos and Jay, and Ben" Evie pleaded wanting to know why the fae had done what she did, leave Auradon with no goodbye.
No words but a sigh escaped the purple haired girls lips before she closed her eyes, Evie missing the green and longing for it to return.
There's a long pause, hesitation with confessions hanging in the air, confessions that the purple haired girl struggles to admit.
"I-don't know myself anymore" Mal whispers and the words make Evie shatter just a little.

Evie longs to hold Mal close, hold her and make it better, but she knew it wouldn't.
But before Evie could respond she witnesses her best friend turning to leave the balcony and as if the world slowed for a moment Evie grabs onto the leather sleeve and holds it for dear life like Mal could fall away from her life in a second. Troubled green eyes whipped round in surprise, shock and fear and Evie refused to break their gaze once it was met again.
"I know you" Evie says still refusing to let go of the purple sleeve in fear of everything falling apart.
"I know you are strong, look how much you've been through Mal, I know that you are strong, clever and beautiful and you deserve everything" Evie didn't mean to make it sound like she was pleading, yet she couldn't help it-she wasn't loosing Mal.
"E, I don't, remember the past huh? I hated you, I love spelled Ben, I'm messed up and belong on the Isle, I'm no Lady of the court" Mal whimpers almost her voice breaking and tears threatened to escape her eyes.
Evie couldn't not grab hold of both of Mals hands and hold her still while shaking her head in disbelief-Mal had changed, so much- sure everyone has a troubled side, it's whether you choose to fix it or not, good and evil doesn't exist, it's what you decide- Ben knew that-Evie knew that.

"I can't face it again....Auradon..."She whispered choking back more tears, green glistening slightly and Evie's heart pulled in her chest as she couldn't bear see Mal in such a state.
Yet the next word halted everything ".....Ben" The pause, the whisper left Evie frozen.
"Ben?" Evie questions observing the clouded green orbs of the fae.
"I dont-" Mal chokes tears now falling and Evie struggles against the urge to pull the girl into a tight embrace, yet frozen in her stance.
What is she trying to say? Evie could tell Mal was struggling-Mal always struggled to convey feelings, Evie knew that.

"I don't love Ben"


The words made the world stop for a moment, Evie couldn't function for a moment as she held onto Mal and felt like now she was holding onto Mal like she held her on earth rather than the other way round.
"I don't understand" Evie whispers and Mal shakes her head tears dripping down her cheeks.
"I don't love him" The purple hair shakes as the girl shakes her head, crunching her nose and almost giggling slightly.
Mal always laughed in the face of pain-Evie knew that.
The giggles seemed like they let out relief, and Evie knew Mal was glad she finally said it.
However the confession left Evie like she was lost in a jumble of thoughts.

"You don't?" Was all the blue haired princess could get out and the purple haired girl merely nodded, gripping tighter at Evies hands that squeezed her heart aswell, thudding loudly like it was ringing in her ears.
"I tried Evie, I tried, I thought it was love, but I don't feel it anymore E, I don't, I needed to leave to clear my mind, and it's clear, It doesn't feel complete" Mal explains, pleading almost to try and get Evie to understand.
"You really can't face things can you" was all Evie could say, sighing as she shook her head and suddenly both girls where chuckling a little and once again Mal crinkled her nose and Evies heart fluttered at how cute it was-everytime.
The blue haired girl shook her head a small smile on her face as she reached up from Mals grip to cup the purple haired girls face in her hands, feeling the softness of the girls skin with sparks at the touch.
"What do we do with you huh" Evie chuckled and she knew her eyes gave it away, the adoration that laced the brown as they searched the green, still glazed over slightly with emotions Evie couldn't read.
"I don't know" Mal sniffled, and Evie wiped away the tears that stained Mals face with her thumbs, softly like she was holding something so pure and delicate.
That was far from what Mal was, but to Evie in that moment, she sure feel like that was what the most beautiful piece of artwork was in her hands, face clutched in her grasp, and Evie resisted against the urge to kiss her right there and then.

She's your friend Evie-Think Princes, princes.

Suddenly Evie felt like a new wash of emotion filled the air, no longer sadness and comfort, but something new, something that tingled and settled deep into her bones with uncertainty.
Time stopped, as the leaf green and rosewood brown swirled into each other, the clouded green becoming readable, more readable than ever before, the clouds washing away to reveal innocence and adoration-something completely alien to be seen swirling in the purple haired girls eyes and it left Evie speechless.
It was a new look, a different feeling, intensity set in, and a heavy cloud loomed in the air, igniting fire into Evies veins.
The warmth that spread into Evies palms from Mals cheeks, a new warmth that kept tingles at touch, heart fluttering wildly and Evie couldn't ignore it.
"Kiss me"

The words stabbed right through Evies heart like a arrow, and a ball of emotions rushed through her mind that left her feeling dazed, like it wasn't real.

This wasn't happening.

Her cheeks flushed red and her lips parted in a gasp, and she felt like she needed to let go from cupping Mals face, but she couldn't as the air layered thick with anticipation.
"Kiss me Evie" Mal breathed, and Evie blinked as if she was dreaming, but everything remained the same once she opened her eyes once more, wide and in shock still, seeing the intense green gaze, dazed and holding the fire of a dragon.
"M?" Evie questioned breathlessly.

This can't be.

"It's clear, it's you, it's been you all this time" The words breathed in a husk and Evie gulped, feeling as if her legs could give way.

Princesses- Girls- Mal. It was Mal. Not Princes, not Doug- Mal.

"It's you E"
Evie helplessly let her eyes fall to Mals lips, heart fluttering like it was on cloud nine, body weak and fuzzy, mind hazed.
It was Mal. All Mal.
Yet guiltily she looked back up to green, sighing tilting her head up slightly before helplessly dropping her gaze down and eyes falling back down to pink tinted lips.

"Kiss me, Evie, Kiss me before I lose my fucking mind" Mal pleaded and Evie gave into temptation, followed the request, crashing her lips passionately onto the purple haired beauty's.
Evie felt like she was in a new universe by the way it felt, holding Mals cheeks for dear life like she could slip from the earth in any moment, body consumed by fire, passion and desire, she wanted more, the taste of Mals lips against hers was intoxicating.
Hands slipped round the blue leather of Evies waist and pulled her close, as Evie let her hands move round into the purple locks of Mals hair, twirling her fingers round in sync with the way their lips moved.
Evie pulled away breathless, dazed and looks into dark green eyes that held a trance.
"Like that?" Evie breathes smiling as she let their foreheads touch, not wanting the tingling sensation to ever leave her lips.
Yet the only response was another kiss, harsh with passion but ever so soft and they kissed until lungs screamed for air.
"Like that" Mal breathed through laboured breaths and there they remained-foreheads connected, eyes closed, not wanting time to start again, in each other's embrace as they remained on the balcony. The balcony that would forever hold a memory of the time two hearts finally became one.

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