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"Yea that's my mom. She's immortal too. I wouldn't call us vampires or anything because we don't drink blood. Plus we've been here longer. I'm an eternal girl who has been alive for years and will probably be alive for centuries. No that it's not fun and all but right now it's the early 2000's and everyone is much more verbal about how much they hate their life. Makes me realize how much mine sucks. I mean, between me and the people that hate theirs because of "Mondays" I think I win."

You'd think that after 90 years, I'd be used to my life by now but who can get used to the idea of never dying. And it doesn't help that since I'm gunna be 100 soon my parents are pushing me to find myself a Soul Bonded, someone you bond your soul with to share in immortality as soul mates. It's an extremely big deal since without the ability of granting someone else eternity, we'd be all alone for forever.

It's a one time thing, shoot or miss, and I'm supposed to make this decision when I can't even decide what my favorite color is. I mean I never even talked to a guy for more tan a few minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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