Chapter One: I Saw You

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I slumped into my chair five minutes before class started. I thought I was late but then I saw her. Mr. Haley was shuffling papers on his desk as she slipped into class.

"Excuse me." Mr Haley called out to her, "Are you the transfer student?"

"Umm... yes. My name is Anna." her voice was so soft.

"Anna. Kolvala?" he flipped through his roll.

She nodded. 

"Take a seat," he gestured to the class. Anna moved to the back where there was an empty seat. I was finally able to get a clear look of her face. She was small, thin and her face looked so young. She was also very familiar. She saw me looking at her and for a moment we locked eyes. Anna blushed and looked down at her books and I looked back at my own papers. Usually, I took a whole bunch of notes but today I couldn't focus. My attention kept wandering to Anna. Her skin was pale and flawless. Her light brown curls hung loosely in two low ponytails. 

"Jase!" my mate Mikey hissed at me, jerking me out of my own thoughts.

"Jason," Mr, Haley looked directly at me.

"Yes?" I said.

"Emily," Mr. Haley continued and I let out a sigh. Roll call.

At break I really wanted to go after Anna but she had left second period early.

"Hey mate. What's up? You were totally zoning back in Haley's class this morning," Mike jogged up to me.

"Had a late night," I lied.

"Up late partying?" Fred nudged me.

"As if. You know me," I gave him a shove. We were sitting at our usually bench in the Quad when I saw Anna leave the office. She was talking with the school nurse. She looked tired and worn even though it was only first break. I wondered what was wrong.




It was my first day a Amdase High School and a boy was staring at me. I knew it without looking up. When I finally looked up our eyes connected. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away. Was something wrong with the way I looked? I sighed. I knew I looked horrible. My skin was so pale and I was basically skin and bone. That's what bradycardia has done to me. Matt promised me that no one would notice. I guess he was wrong. I didn't understand much in this class but I did get a lot of notes. I'd have to go over it with Matt later. By second period I was starting to feel tired. After yawning for what felt like the hundreth time I asked to go to the nurses office. I barely made it there before my legs turned to jelly.

"Anna!" the school nurse, Maria, came over and helped me onto the sickbed. "Rest for a bit. Do you want me to call your brother?"

"No. I'll be fine. It'll only make him worry," I yawned again.

"Sleep then," Maria gave me a kind smile before I drifted off.

When I woke up I only felt partically better. I was still a little sleepy but I shook it off.

"Are you sure you want to go back to class?" Maria asked me.

"Yes." I replied. Maria walked with me out to the Quad. 

"If you feel tired, come back." Maria put a hand on my shoulder before letting me go find somewhere to sit. I found an empty bench near the back of the Quad. Matt had made me a ham and cheese sandwich but I wasn't very hungry. I nibbled it while I watched other students run around on the grass.

"Hey. You're the new girl aren't you. Anna?" the boy that had been watching me earlier came up to me. I highly doubt that he didn't know who I was.

"Yes," I nodded.

"I'm Jason. It's nice to meet you," he stuck out his hand and I shook it lightly.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied meekly.

"You look a bit loney," he sat down opposite me.

"I haven't made any friends yet," I admitted. I didn't know why I was talking to him but for some reason I felt that I could, that he wouldn't judge.

"I'd be happy to show you around if you want," he gave me a crooked smile.

"Err... sure," I gave a little shrug before following him as he took me around the school.

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