A lasted journey of togetherness

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It's quite weird, how one person in your life can change your perspective about the world. May be because, they always meant the world to you 

All of the time, I wished us to be Happy..together..for ever...

I miss you..a lot... I wish, we could be together, as we imagined. But, it's life. We're suppose to leave, what we want the most. And Yes! The thing I wanted the most is you. Maybe it's the reminisce of our past or the vain of my present. I'm not asking to come back again, but maybe sometimes I must express what I really felt, the time I never told or expressed my true feelings for the one I love.
I love you with all my heart and I always wanted to be with someone as special as the one whom I found randomly, from somewhere among the crowd. It's been five years, ten months and 25 days of our togetherness. And eventually 26th, the last day of a beautiful journey.
If you wanted, you could have saved this. But eventually, people do what they really want in their lives.
Yes! You were right, we can never be together anymore.

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