The Introduction

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   My name is Lylac and my family lives in a small apartment with one bedroom a sucky kitchen and a bathroom that has plumbing problems every week. My mom was abandoned by my father when I turned five, it's the first thing that I can remember. Every time I close my eyes their arguing voices echo through my skull reminding me that I have to be there to provide for all of my family.
   I am the oldest of two kids. My younger brother was paralyzed from the waist down when my father left and my brother was three years old. The traumatizing moment took his confidence.
   When I turned twenty and my brother was ten my mom grew very ill and my job couldn't pay for bills. I only worked at Wendy's and her medical bills cost a whole lot more than what my paycheck told me I had.
   I started to go job hunting and none of them accepted the way my clothes were ripped and full of dirt. I then headed to the streets. I found a spot in the park underneath a willow tree so I had the perfect amount of shade. I pulled out my old oak wood guitar and started to strum a few cords. I then started to sing and one song in particular caught a lot of people's attention. It went a little like this:

In a world full of life
You can not see the light
The darkness shows
When you look out your window

   That was the first verse and I got a small group of people to surround the tree. By the end of the song I got a lot of people to give me money. I had one person ask me what it was called and and I answered, " That's Through my window." I counted my money as he looked it up on the internet. My face began to crack because of the amount of money I held with me. I got on to my feet and wiped off my jeans and began to walk home.

  As my destination came close I saw a police car parked in front of my small apartment complex. I was able to see what was happening. I then lost my breath as I saw a body bag come rolling down the cement steps. Right behind that was my father repeatedly saying, "She had it coming."
   I ran across the street to see who was in the bag only to see my brother crying into a puddle of sadness. Right then and there I knew I had to protect him from any more harm. I walked over to my brother and said. "At the park I met a guy and he was a musician who was looking for an apprentice." I paused to look over at my mom and said, " I am going to take it, after all I think I we could use a change of scenery."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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