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We were meant to collide like two marbles on a V shaped track.

We were made of star dust from the same star and despite the light-years of space, we found each other. And although we fought like the citizens of Troy and the Greeks, we loved like the ocean and the shore, crashing into one another and then pulling back but never forgetting to come back.

I never forgot to come back to you.

I knew we would be together till one of us died but what I did not expect was for one of us to die so soon.

We weren't supposed to leave each other before we knew the definition of love and yet here I am, missing one half of me and with the new understanding that love is what we had.

So why did you leave before we could even drive? Why did you go before we really got the chance to do stupid stuff together? Why aren't you here to be my maid of honor in my Cinderella wedding and why aren't you going to be the crazy aunt for my children who they can always count on for trouble?

The sun still rises and sets and yet I still feel stuck in that moment, locked in my brain as I turned away so Grace wouldn't see my tears. So she wouldn't know I cared so much.

We were BFFs where the second 'F' stood for forever. If forever is infinite then was that infinity? Because that felt a whole lot shorter than I had ever imagined forever to be.

But maybe forever is still happening. Maybe instead of my forever being written in the stars as being a forever with you it is a forever... without you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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