dream on kid

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hey guys, so this isn't my first fanfic, but, its my first time using wattpad so yeah hope it delivers, enjoy and coment or whatever you do haha xx

- Ajatz

it was dark, the sky was covered in clouds. a thick dull blanket hanging over my head. i was sitting on the edge of the cliff. every time a wave crashed i got soaked. it didn't bother me though. it was pelting down with rain anyway. i stood up, the wind blasting in my face. i looked down at the waves crashing below me, spray coming up and hitting me in the face. the sun flickered through the clouds briefly before finally setting. i took two steps backward, breating in deeply. i was about to jump when someone grabbed me.

'no. you can't leave me.'

*three months earlier*

-it's friday, friday, gotta get down on friday-

'well you got that bit right.' i said turning my alarm off. why the hell was it rebecca black?! great, stupid fucken andy. i swear, he touches my shit one more time and i will seriously kill him. i guess i should explain everything, andy is my brother... sort of. his mum and my mum are best friends, and both single. early last year andy's step dad had died in a tradgic car crash. bradie, andy's step brother had also been in the car at time but had survied. my dad had been murdered a few years after i was born. he loved both me and my mum. he was a doctor, my grandmother was a millionare, she had left me and mum all her money since we were only living realitives, and togther mum and dad had bought a giant house with about ten bedrooms three of which, had walk in wardrobes. it had a huge kitchen with one of those profesional coffee making thingys that they had in cafes. the house had two lounge rooms, both fitted with surround sound, thanks to me. there were three bathrooms. a giant backyard and i mean it was half a killometre to the back and god only knows how wide with an inground pool. oh yeah, did i mention the place was two story with an underground level and was practically on the beach? haha anyway it was so huge that half way through last year mum invited andy, bradie and they're mum, kim to live with us and honestly who would say no. lately andy had been going in my room trying to hack my computer, but of course he had done it in a way that he couldn't be blamed because i had no proof.

'lexi theres breakfast downstairs. if you don't hurry up andy'll eat it all.' bradie told me from outside my door. sure, he pissed me off at times, but atleast he didn't try to hack my computer and go out of his way to tease and annoy me.

'thanks.' i yelled out to him.

'no problem.'

i had worn a singlet and trackies to bed. i chucked on a hoodie so i wouldn't be cold and went down stairs to get something to eat.

i walked down the stairs into the kitchen and sat on a stool, at the bench. yum, there was pancakes. andy walked past.

'hey lexi guess what.'

'what andy?' i asked in an overenthusiastic tone.

'its friday friday gotta get down on friday.' he sung all nasly, doing a really bad rebecca black impersionation.

'i can't belive it. someone who actually sounds worse then her.'

'i know lexi. i wish i could admit all my faults as openly as you do.' he said wistfully, sighing.

'you touch my stuff again and i steal hairspray, hairspray becomes best friends with lighter, and they get introduced to your hair. get my drift?'

'tisk tisk tisk, lexi lexi lexi, you know that you can't death threat someone without any proof!'

as much as i hate to admit it, the stupid bitch did actually have a point.

bradie walked into the room and sat down beside me.

'i know you hate me saying this but breathe, it's good for you, don't let the idiot get to you.' he whispered into my ear.

'who knew a sipderman loving freak could say something smart?' i said with a laugh.

'hey! don't diss spidey.' he said stubornly like a little kid.

'whatever, wanna catch a movie or something?'

'this isn't like you, whats up?'

'its my birthday..'

'shit! come on then lets go, my shout.'

we got dressed and went to leave when my mum stopped us.

'and just where do you two think your going?'

'out you know? considering its my fucking birthday and all.' 

and with that i stormed out of the house got in my car with bradie and headed down to the cinema.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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