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*Photo is not mine.*

"Was it Jason?" "No Cisco, it wasn't Jason." I shook my head, getting annoyed of Cisco constantly asking why I came in late to work. It went from 'did you sleep in?' To 'who was it that kept you up all night?' "Was is Jake?" "No! I wasn't feeling good, that's all. Now please stop." I begged, then went back to typing in the computer. "Good Morning, Ms. Gibson, Mr. Roman." Harrison said, walking into the Cortex. "Morning." I mumbled, not having a good morning anymore. "Are you okay Hazel?" Harrison asked, placing a hand on my chair and turning it to face him. I sighed just wanting to work and get left alone. "I'm fine." I fake smiled. Obviously it wasn't convincing enough because the look Harrison gave me told me he didn't believe me at all. "Mr. Ramon, can you give us the room?" Harrison asked, standing up from his chair next to me. Cisco nodded and all but ran out of the room. I turned around and saved my work, then turned back to face Harrison who sat back down. "I'm fine. I don't know what makes you think otherwise." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Because ever since w-." "I'm fine." I said, cutting Harrison of before he could say something I'd rather didn't get repeated out loud. "You've been feeling sick lately." Harrison said. I looked at him, knitting my eyebrows in confusion. "How did you know?" Harrison turned towards the computer and clicked open the 'clock in times, scrolling down to my name. "This has been the 4th time this week that you've been late, granted only 2 minutes, but you are never late." I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "What are you getting at?" I looked at the computer with my picture on it, all the times I've been late, highlighted as if I'm being monitored to be on time. "I just want to know why." I looked back at Harrison. His question seemed innocent but it really weighed down on me. I looked him in the eye, sighing once more. "I'm." I froze. It's now or never Hazel. "I'm pregnant." I barley whispered, hoping he heard me because I really don't feel like repeating it. "I found out 2 weeks ago when I couldn't stop puking and I know I've been late but that's because some mornings the puking is so bad that I can't move from my bathroom. There, is that what you wanted to hear?" I realized now that I've been holding my breath and started to breath again. The realization hit me like a bag of bricks. I told him. "Oh god." I mumbled, placing a hand over my mouth, feeling sick. Harrison is just standing there, which is making it that much worse. "I have to go. I have to give the speech in a couple hours." He muttered out, walking past me in a rush. "Yeah." I whispered. Why did I tell him? I should've just lied.

2 Hours Later; Thrid P.O.V:

"Guys, it not stabilizing." Cisco yelled after Harrison's champagne suspended into the air. "If we don't stabilize it and close it off, this whole place will blow!" "I'll go." Ronnie spoke up. "Ronnie no." Caitlin stressed, grabbing Ronnie's arm. "I have to, I'm the only one who can." Ronnie kissed Caitlin then looked at Cisco. "I'll come with." Ronnie nodded. Before they could walk out of the room, Harrison grabbed Cisco's arm. "Where's Hazel?" Cisco shrugged. "I don't know. Last I saw she was in the lobby." Harrison nodded then went to the computer. Cisco and Ronnie headed down to the Partical Accelerator. Harrison tracked Hazel's ID badge to see what floor she was on. "No." He whispered, running after Ronnie and Cisco.

Hazel's P.O.V

"Hazel!" I turned around and saw Cisco and Ronnie. "Cisco! What's going on?" I asked, following them to the Pipe Line. "The Partical Accelerator isn't stablizing." Cisco said, opening the door for Ronnie. "What are you doing?" I asked Ronnie after he told Cisco 2 minutes and if he's not back to close the door, seal him in and save everyone. "If I don't make it, tell Caitlin I love her. Please." I nodded and hugged Ronnie tightly. "I will. Promise!" I back away next to Cisco and watched Ronnie go into the Pipe Line. Cisco turned to me and gave me a soft smile. "Harrison is looking for you." He said after giving me a hug. "He can wait." I muttered. "No he can't." Harrison. I turned around to face him. "We need to get you out of here now!" Harrison grabbed my arm and went to pull me but I pulled my arm out of his grasp. "No I'm waiting for Ronnie." I argued. "Hazel, don't fight me." Harrison growled. "Hazel, go. I'll wait for Ronnie. Go." Cisco said, giving me a soft smile. I shook my head. "No." I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at Harrison. "Hazel, your pregnant. You can't be stupid right now." I opened my mouth in shock at Harrison. "YOUR WHAT?!" Cisco all but screamed. I ignored them both and shoved Harrison out of my way. Running towards the stairs. I made it down 6 flights on stairs before the Partical Accelerator blew and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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