12-21-17 (Yuri's Day)

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*Walks into a room* Ok what am I doing here again?

(Guy behind camera): Tell us about your day.

...OK then. Well how should I start *thinks for a moment* ok I got it. So today I was doing my normal routine for school, ya know and as I was about to leave my mother called back to me asking. "Yuri do you mind walking your sister to school?" of course being a good a daughter I said, "No". I waited for my sister to get ready, it took 30 minutes but I didn't complain.....much. SO she was finally ready and I walked her to school. But the only problem was her school was like in the opposite direction of my school and it took an  extra 20 minutes to get there because she saw a homeless kitten and wanted to take it home. Once again being the kind sister I am we took it home, washed it up, and left. *ahem* My mom came home mad af so like im in trouble once I leave here.ANYWAY back to what I was saying it took an extra 20 minutes to get there even though her school is only 15 minutes away but whatever *shrugs*. SO I finally dropped her off and walks to my school which took 10 minutes. I ended up getting to school at 8:45...I think. Yea and once I walked in the classroom everyone stared at me as if I've just murdered someone. That's all that happend today everything else was normal.

(Guy behind camera): Oh ok thank you for your time

No problem *leaves*


(A/N) So I've been thinking about leaving a quote in every chapter of this story down here...because thats how random I am , so yeaa imma do that. 

"Friends are like potatoes, when you eat them they die"

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