What do you need

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Red's POV
I was crafting a new sword when I heard a knock at the door. I set the nearly finished sword aside. There people in cloaks came in as I opened the door. Not good. If these people are who I think they are they need to hide before Boss gets home.
"Stretch why are you here?"
"I should have known you would recognize us after all, you aren't Nightmare's best for no reason."
"You have not awnsered my question."
"My sister and I are going to the northern tower for her safety. We where hoping you would accompany us there."
"Fine, we shall leave at dusk tonight. My house has been proofed with magic. Feel free to take off your cloaks, however I must ask you to go into my room and stay there. Boss will be here to pick his newest blade and he can not see you."

Blueberry's POV
Brother and the smithy finish talking and he takes us up to a locked door. He opens it and tells us to go in. We do and Brother tells me I can take off my cloak. He does so and I fallow suit.

Time Skip

After an hour the smithy comes back in and tells us we are allowed to come down stairs. I take the opportunity to look around. 

"You guys can sleep in my room, I'll sleep at the door. No arguing Stretch, you know I'm going into mission mode for a reason. Now don't argue with me. It's for your own good."

All of a sudden, there's a knock on his door. He opens it and sees a kid. 

"Hey Leon, what brings you here?"

'Lord Red, some big kids where chasing me trying to kill me! Please help me!'

"Alright Kid. Give me your neck."

Red then leaned down, offered the kid his hand, the kid took it and Red carved a sword into the kids neck. 

'Thank you Lord Red! You're the best in the kingdoms!'

"No problem. If any one tries to mess with you, show them the mark and if that doesn't work come here walk in and if I'm not here, grab a blade or ask a butler for help."

' I will! Thank you again my Lord!'

What just happened? He just like branded that kid! 

"Excuse me, What just happened?"

"So she can speak? I branded Leon with my mark. Proving he's my property."

"What?! That is NOT how you treat someone!"

"Yeah, well it is here. Unfortunately. And besides, that's about the only way a kid like him will survive here. In other kingdoms "kill or be killed" it's not a real thing, you act like it is, but it's not. Here, it's a way of life. A very harsh way of life, but a way of life none the less. I'm trying to get people to stop it, but it's been going on for thousands of years. So no, we aren't nice, but we were designed that way. Our kingdom was originally an experiment by the government to create heartless killers and it worked."

"Why? Why would they force that upon you? That's so cruel!"

Why would they force that upon them? I'll have to read up on the history of the area. No one should have to go through that. I start feeling sleepy and Stretch looks like he's feeling the same.

"Red. Stop the sleep magic. Please. I want to talk."

"Sorry Stretch, Milady, but no. You need to sleep so we can move out at the scheduled time. So you'll have to be put to sleep."

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