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 You woke from your slumber that managed to leave you with a strange feeling as if you haven't used your limbs for decades now. When you rose from your bed you immediately could tell something was wrong, you heard voices coming from the kitchen, yet they seemed so distant and soulless, which made you run down the stairs with some fatigue that made you fall to the ground once or twice but you still proceeded. Something felt so wrong and you could just sense it, your instincts screaming out in your head that nothing was like it should have been. Coming inside you were met by your parents, but nothing felt like anything like any day before. Empty words were leaving their mouths making you really confused as you couldn't pinpoint what it was. Suddenly all your senses started to tingle which forced you to finally speak up.

"Something is wrong." the two figures just tried to make it seem like everything was normal yet you knew whatever these things were they were obviously lying straight to your face. Few seconds in and you could pinpoint that none of this real, you weren't where you should have been and by letting some kind of energy out your hands your saw the astral projection shift making you realize that this wasn't your real parents. No flesh no blood just a silly projection that wasn't even alive. Your body started to shake and your survival mechanism kicked in choosing to run away from the house, you found yourself on the street and the situation was similar there, just programmed astral projections that were walking around smiling not really paying any attention to your presence. You looked around desperately but you could tell that none of them was an actual human being, so you started to run as if there was no tomorrow, yet you couldn't find anyone that was as real as you. Just those holograms which were practically everywhere, there was no sign of life in any inch in this city. Even if you couldn't run around it all you just sensed that no one else seemed to be here. You collapsed as heavy tears started to run down your face, making poodles of salty water around you. You never felt so alone in your life and you couldn't understand this whole situation you found yourself in. Where was everyone, why were you left alone in the first place? You weren't sure how much time you spent on crying, it could have been hours even days, but once you got enough of the happy projections that were represented before you some energy was released from inside your body. Soon they all disappeared and you were met by dead silence, alone in a large city with hollow empty spaces. Another thing you soon realized was that whatever your body and mind screamed for food it appeared before your eyes, which made you feel like a god of this realm as soon all your wishes were granted, but somehow you couldn't really bring your parents or anyone else back which made you wonder with your thought trying to find some answers to where exactly you ended. Working on your powers because particularly there was nothing else you could lay your energy on somehow one of those days a little thought came to your head. Maybe somehow you could contact another dimension, but of course this task wasn't really as simple as it sounded, yet at some point you started at a mirror when you thoughts roamed far far away you realized mirrors could be portals to other dimensions, maybe somewhere another you was looking at the mirror at the exact time and you would be able to contact her. Even talking to yourself seemed better than being alone for your lifetime. Going around your wide hollow dimension you found books which seemed to help you clue out how most effectively you could use your powers meditation also helped in those tasks. And so here you were making some ridiculous chats in front of the mirror, praying for this to work out somehow. Soon you saw someone, another you in another dimension. Yet she didn't seem as happy to see you as the first thing she proceeded to do was scream and nearly smash the mirror with her fist, which made you yell out to stop her from taking such idiotic actions because she would probably hurt herself in the progress.

"Wait!" you two were now gazing at each other which made the other you question what kind of sorcery was this.

"I know it sounds strange, and to be honest I'm no ghost. I'm you but from another dimension." you mentioned which was quite hard for her to accept as she was about to run away, afraid you would walk out the mirror to chase after her.

"No please stay." you lonely soul let out a plea, not wanting to be left alone anymore. You weren't sure how much time you spent in isolation, as there wasn't any kind of life back at home, and you hardly wanted to associate with astral projections, they were soulless and it felt like talking with yourself would be better than talking with them. You felt if this continued you would develop a slip personality disorder just to put up with everything. Yet the other you from another dimension couldn't understand the loneliness you felt for so long, but hearing this pitiful voice she stopped in her tracks looking back at you with her eyes filled with wonder.

"How about this, if you keep me company sometimes, I can grant you a wish." You weren't sure how you would manage to keep this promise, but you would do anything to at least get company. Offering to give something in return caught her off guard, still suspicious that it may have been a really mischievous spirit she just froze, captured in her thoughts wondering if she should really put her trust in her mirror reflection.

"Could you grant anything?" not knowing whatever it was even possible you nodded, hoping your powers were enough to do whatever she would ask you for.

"How about getting me to Korea and of course letting me attend a BTS concert." You weren't sure what she was talking about but the wish spoke for itself, it must have been some really famous band and so being quite unsure you just nodded your head, which made the girl in your mirror reflection come closer to her mirror on the other side. Which made you shed tears out of happiness, just this single act made you so happy it was indescribable.

Inside The Mirror (J-hope x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now