New beginnings

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I am a sucker for Pretty Little Liars, but I'm kinda disappointed that there aren't many stories, so I decided to write one... I'm still new to writing, so please give this a try. This is the prequel about the night when A was finally revealed. It's going to be kind of like the last book, but I'm following the details of the show instead.

DISCLAIMER: the PLL is NOT mine. Althought I would die for it.

So now, I present the one and only:



The four girls watched as the house continued to burst into flame, hanging on tightly to each other as the flames grew bigger and higher. A lot had happened the past few years, their cat and mouse game with A and their near misses with death. The sirens wailed continuously as firefighters struggled to put out the blazing fire. With tear glistened faces, they observed the house quietly.

After a moment of silence, Emily finally spoke up, "Alison's gone, isn't she? She didn't escape!"

The girls looked on at the flames that were being tamed by the firefighters. Soon, Spencer whispered, "We were friends with the wrong twin. Oh my god, Courtney and Alison made our lives hell for years. A was the real Alison DiLaurentis. Girls, she couldn't have survived it."

They let out a sigh of relief as the final flames were finally put out. The house was in ruins; it was charred and black. After quick questions asked by the police, they finally learnt: no one could have survived the fire. A was gone, and so was the angry twin who tried to take revenge. Finally, after a long time in their lives, the girls felt safe again.


Once again, the little town of Rosewood was in the spotlight; the news of the DiLaurentis twins became top headlines. The four girls have never received as much attention as this before. Just as expected, the attention was short and finally, the girls could go out without bothering about pesky reporters.

"Phew! Reporters are crazy people. All I wanted to do was go to the mall and get a manicure!" Hanna sniffed, complaining again.

"Come on, Han! You know the manicurist had no choice but to close the place for the day. The reporters practically scared customers away!" Spencer retorted with a smirk.

Apparently, the latest news was that Hanna's arrival at the manicurist's palour caused reporters to swarm in. Things ended ugly when a pissed customer started throwing nail polish at the reporters.

"Look on the bright side; they're all gone!" smiled Aria as the girls nodded in agreement.

"To our future without ANYONE ruining it!" declared a relieved Emily as she she raised her glass of water.

"TO US!" cried the girls. And this time, they actually meant it.


Pretty short, but I will be updating sooner than you think! I hope you guys can support this story and read it!

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