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Today was the day that we're gonna go to our high school orientation. We're gonna go to the highschool of our choice and tour the halls to get familiar with the place you might call home ... Or hell for 4 more years of high school life.

I looked at myself in the mirror, checking to see if there's something I should fix or change and when i saw that there's isn't any I decided to get my backpack and leave the house.

As I was walking to my school to meet my friends the warm air of summer brushed past me.

I got to school in no time and I immediately saw my friends.

We were talking and laughing before listening to the teachers instructions and leaving the school property. We decided to just walk because the highschool wasn't too far from the neighborhood.

After 20 minutes of walking, sweating, and complaining, we finally got to the school and entered. The front foyer had the library on the left along with the student services room and on the right is the second entrance to the cafeteria and up ahead are the main doors.

After having our teacher inform the office of our schools arrival, we walked towards the cafeteria and it seemed like we were there pretty early because there wasn't a lot of schools there yet.

Me and my friends sat at the very front row because the stage and the projector was infront and also because were kinda blind and we can't see from a far.

Orientation went pretty well, we met the student council president, the principal, vice principal and some of the teachers. When they introduced the arts program, there was a dance performed and a band and in that band a particular person caught my eye.

He had long locks of curly dark hair, dark brown eyes that felt like they were looking right through me and a face you'll never forget. I was mesmerized by his drum playing and when he looked right at me i knew i was fucked.

When the band finished playing their song, they remained seated but i couldn't stop staring at this boy. Finally, the mc's started talking again and introducing their clubs and programs. After a while, the presentations finished and it was time to tour the halls. When i looked to my right to find a head full of curls, he was nowhere to be found. Frowning, i shrugged it off and headed off to join my tour leaders.

The school walls were painted white and the lockers were painted cream and alternating with navy blue. The school gym was hella big and we had 2 gym, one small gym that're used by some clubs and small classes and the large gym for tournaments and competitions.

The first floor is where you can find the cafeteria, gymnasium, science hallway, music hallway, and business hallway. In the second floor you can find the Arts hallway, math hallway, computer business hallway, and the geography and history hallway.

While we were on our way to check out the science hallway, we passed by the music hallway and there i saw the familliar head full of curls. He was looking down when he was walking but when he felt like someone was looking, which was me, he looked up and my eyes met his. My brain wanted me to smile but my body refused and kept a straight face. I, along with the other people in my group kept walking and no one noticed or acknowledged his presence, except for me. I was affected by him because the moment i saw him walking towards and past us, the butterflies never left and all i could think about is, will i ever have the courage to smile at him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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