Thought 1

69 18 52

Differences and Similarities:

We all are different. We have different habits, different ways of living, eating, wearing, sleeping and so on. But there is one big similarity in all of us.

We are all humans.

Yes, as a human being I have been through a lot. And I'm sure you guys have too. It's difficult to survive in such a big world with so many people.

Imagine, you've been captivated half your life. You don't know what exists out there. But then all of a sudden, they let you out because the person who captivated you happened to not care about you enough and doesn't want you and you are worth of nothing to him.

You step out of the door, looking around the neighborhood. It's just like you imagined. All of the houses are arranged in a proper sequence. Trees are fully grown in front of them. Cars parked on the side of the road. You take slow steps and explore the neighborhood. Because you always wanted to do that.

You wandered. You got lost. You had no one. You had nothing to eat. Nowhere to sleep. But then in the end, you return to where you came from. You go back to where you started and ask the owners to let you sleep at their place. But they deny. What did I do to deserve this? You ask yourself.

You set out again. This time observing and learning. You learnt that people work to get paid. And they live off of what they get paid.

Slowly, you learn of how the world works. You have hard times. Not knowing how to survive. In the end, you finally got adjusted and now you have a family with a big house and guess what? It's all because of your hardwork.

We differentiate between each other a lot. For example, in class we wouldn't like to sit with a student with low grades and a less maintainance, whereas we'd die to sit with the gossip girls and the school celebs. Right? Haha it's so funny how we end up being the best of friends with the low graders. We can't live without them. They're like our life.

It's the truth that we differ between rich and poor, talented and untalented, well dressed and just dressed. But why? Why do we differentiate?

Is it something that our parents have taught? No.

It's something that we taught ourselves. Yes.

Well the question arises, how?

That is upto you to figure that out. Well according to my brain, it says that the whole blame is on our society and how we see each other.

We need to change our perspectives. Look beyond. Look beyond of what you can see. Try to look behind that.

I promise that you will not regret your decision.

Take a situation, your sitting in a bus and the bus is about to start moving. The door still hasn't closed yet, two people step in. An old woman who walks with difficulty and a very rich and respectable person of the society. There is no seat left for them.

Whom will you give the seat to? The old woman or the rich guy?

Humanity teaches us respect, respect teaches us humanity. Then what do we lack? We lack thinking power?

You may ask how. I'll tell you.

We don't often tend to use our brain. We do as we are told without thinking the purpose of it. Think before you do. Because thinking before doing will help you in many areas of life.

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