The dark room

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Hello, and welcome to the show.
hope you enjoy your stay
There was a overwealming pressure on my head and neck, like I was being crushed.
A cold empty air surrounded me,
I attempted to remain calm because that usually works when I have sleep paralysis, but this was different.
I expected to look around and see my dresser in the corner of the room, I expected to hear the fan above on the ceiling, instead I heard nothing
I can only see what is in front of me and slight vision on the sides. I am stuck and unable to move anything.
I now start to panic and let out a breathy, faint scream. Loud echoed foot steps start approaching me.
For what feels like eternity I wait in anticipation for help.
The footsteps subside and another rush of chills crawls up my spine.

"Naomi" a familiar voice says softly

A sigh of relief floods my body

"Just relax, you are okay" the familiar voice says again

The man approaches a figure and the weight from my head is lifted.
I could hear a piercing screech in my ears. I didint notice I could move until my hands flew up to my head to cover my ears from the horrible sound.
I drop to my knees on a freezing smooth cement floor, unable to see I drop my head down trying to ease the ringing throughout my head.
I began to feel light headed and drifted back and forth until my back hit the ground and everything was a loud blur.
Right before I blacked out a man with curly hair came into view.
The pain was unbearable so I slowly let myself fall into the darkness.

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